Skoči na glavni sadržaj

Tehnički glasnik , Vol. 7 No. 2, 2013.

  • Datum izdavanja: 15.06.2013.
  • Objavljen na Hrčku: 11.07.2013.


Puni tekst

Two-Photon Processes in Atoms (str. 97-102)

Marko Stojić
Izvorni znanstveni članak

Generalization of the Pythagorean Theorem (str. 103-107)

Damira Keček, Ana Poldrugač, Predrag Vuković
Stručni rad

Comparison and Application of "Distance Vector“ and "Link State" Network Protocols (str. 108-115)

Ladislav Havaš, Damira Keček, Kristijan Knez
Stručni rad

The Terminology of CAD Synchronous Technology (str. 116-121)

Ivana Jurković, Božidar Hršak, Tatjana Badrov
Izvorni znanstveni članak

The Comparison of Using Various Types of Gaseous Fuel in Lime Production (str. 126-131)

Ante Čikić, Mihael Polenus
Pregledni rad

Application of SMAW Process in the Construction of Steel Structures (str. 132-137)

Marko Horvat, Marijan Bilić, Veljko Kondić
Stručni rad

Development of Injection Moulded Polymer Clip (str. 138-141)

Božo Bujanić, Saša Vurušić
Pregledni rad

Modelling the Flaw Detection in an Information System Using Information Entropy (str. 142-147)

Marko Posavec, Igor Cerin, Josip Stepanić
Prethodno priopćenje

Testing the Impact of Paper Characteristics on a Parameter w of the Lorentz Shaped Point Spread Function (str. 148-153)

Katja Pertic Maretić, Damir Modrić, Marin Milković
Izvorni znanstveni članak

Determining of Smallest Useful Font Size in Product Labelling (str. 154-161)

Jelena Vlašić, Igor Zjakić, Sanja Zlatić
Izvorni znanstveni članak

nCloth System for Simulating Fabrics (str. 162-169)

Robert Turkalj, Andrija Bernik, Damir Vusić
Stručni rad

Analysis of the McCollugh Effect Manifestation in Cross-Media Reproduction Systems (str. 170-176)

Marinela Lukaček, Krunoslav Hajdek, Marin Milković
Stručni rad

Development of a Simple Tool for Audio Analysis on Mobile Android Platform (str. 177-181)

Dražen Hižak, Matija Mikac
Stručni rad

Implementation of a Simulation Information Technology Through Printing Processes (str. 182-186)

Petar Miljković, Jelena Vlašić, Krunoslav Hajdek
Izvorni znanstveni članak

New Product Development Using the Technology for Rapid Prototyping (str. 187-190)

Nikola Šimunić, Josip Groš, Srđan Medić
Stručni rad

Comparison of Characteristics of Ink-Jet Prints Obtained Using Water Based, Solvent and UV Inks (str. 191-197)

Vjeran Petrović, Marin Milković, Dean Valdec
Stručni rad

Phase-Change Materials (str. 202-205)

Željko Kos
Stručni rad

Economic Analysis and Evaluation of Supply and Demand Legality (str. 206-212)

Nikolina Lipovec, Goran Kozina
Stručni rad

Nonmaterial Motivation in the Function of Human Resource Management (str. 213-219)

Krešimir Buntak, Ivana Drožđek, Robert Kovačić
Pregledni rad

Posjeta: 93.850 *