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  • Publication date: 18.03.2014.
  • Published on HRČAK: 19.03.2014.

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The Order of Sentence Elements at Complex Sentence Level and Text Level (page 299-310)

Lada Badurina
Original scientific paper

On the Cognitive Foundations of Modifier, Determiner, and Quantifier Position within Croatian Nominals (page 311-344)

Branimir Belaj, Branko Kuna
Original scientific paper

The Position of sam in Reflexive Constructions (page 345-359)

Matea Birtić, Ivana Oraić Rabušić
Original scientific paper

Before, after, in and around – the Placement of Prepositions in Word Order (page 361-376)

Goranka Blagus Bartolec, Ivana Matas Ivanković
Original scientific paper

Congruence Languages and Word Order (page 377-390)

Valentin Gešev
Original scientific paper

Word Order in smješnice (page 391-403)

Petra Glavor Petrović
Review article

Some Observations on Verbs with Obligatory Control in Croatian (page 405-422)

Tena Gnjatović, Ranko Matasović
Original scientific paper

Word Order in Early Language Acquisition: the Syntax of Two-Word Utterances (page 433-456)

Gordana Hržica, Antonia Ordulj
Original scientific paper

Enclitics in Croatian Language Teaching – Between Ideas and Practice (page 457-473)

Ana Kedveš, Ana Werkmann
Professional paper

Složeni glagolski predikat u hrvatskom kajkavskom književnom jeziku sa stajališta reda riječi (page 475-495)

Ivana Klinčić, Vladimira Rezo
Original scientific paper

Word Order and Negation in the Croatian Church Slavonic Language (page 497-508)

Ana Kovačević
Original scientific paper

Verba Dicendi Parentheticals in Croatian (page 527-544)

Milan Mihaljević
Original scientific paper

The Information Structure of the Sentence and the Phonology-Syntax Interface (page 557-580)

Anita Peti-Stantić
Original scientific paper

The Placement of Functional Words (page 593-602)

Ivo Pranjković
Original scientific paper

The Order of Unstressed Syntactic Units in the Kajkavian Dialect (page 603-630)

Ermina Ramadanović, Ines Novak
Original scientific paper

Adjective Position in Noun Phrases in the Croatian Church Slavonic Language (page 631-644)

Sandra Sudec
Original scientific paper

Verborum ordo mysterium: Word Order in Kašić’s Translation of the Bible (page 645-673)

Jozo Vela, Ivana Vrtič
Original scientific paper

The Position of Negative Element in Prepositional Phrases with Negative Indefinites (page 675-690)

Irena Zovko Dinković
Original scientific paper

Sadržaj (page 0-0)

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Uvod (page 0-0)

Željko Jozić

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