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  • Publication date: 01.02.2016.
  • Published on HRČAK: 29.02.2016.

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Mechanised Pine Thinning Harvesting Simulation: Productivity and Cost Improvements as a Result of Changes in Planting Geometry (page 1-12)

Simon A. Ackerman, Stefan Seifert, Pierre A. Ackerman, Thomas Seifert
Original scientific paper

Optimised Harvesting Cost for Mallee Supply Chain in Western Australia (page 17-25)

Mohammad Reza Ghaffariyan, Mark Brown, Mauricio Acuna, John McGrath
Original scientific paper

Estimating and Modelling Harvester Productivity in Pine Stands of Different Ages, Densities and Thinning Intensities (page 27-36)

Piotr S. Mederski, Mariusz Bembenek, Zbigniew Karaszewski, Agnieszka Łacka, Anna Szczepańska-Álvarez, Martyna Rosińska
Original scientific paper

Effect of Forest Structure on Operational Efficiency of a Bundle-Harvester System in Early Thinnings (page 37-49)

Dan Bergström, Fulvio Di Fulvio, Yrjö Nuutinen
Original scientific paper

Effects of Moisture Content on Supply Costs and CO2 Emissions for an Optimized Energy Wood Supply Network (page 51-60)

Christian Kanzian, Martin Kühmaier, Gernot Erber
Original scientific paper

A Single-pass Reduced Tillage Technique for the Establishment of Short-Rotation Poplar (Populus spp.) Plantations (page 61-69)

Alberto Assirelli, Enrico Santangelo, Raffaele Spinelli, Luigi Pari
Original scientific paper

Selecting Evaluation Indices for Cleaner Production of Plantation Logging in Southern China with Fuzzy Clustering Methods (page 71-87)

Aihua Yu, Tom Gallagher, Chen Zhao, Yao Zhao
Original scientific paper

Forest Workers and Steep Terrain Winching: the Impact of Environmental and Anthropometric Parameters on Performance (page 97-105)

Giovanna Ottaviani Aalmo, Natascia Magagnotti, Raffaele Spinelli
Original scientific paper

Vibration Exposure in Forwarder Work: Effects of Work Element and Grapple Type (page 107-118)

Carola Häggström, Mikael Öhman, Lage Burström, Tomas Nordfjell, Ola Lindroos
Original scientific paper

Fly Ash in Forest Road Rehabilitation (page 119-130)

Tomi Kaakkurivaara, Pauli Kolisoja, Jori Uusitalo, Nuutti Vuorimies
Original scientific paper

Timber Truck Payload Management with Different In-Forest Weighing Strategies in Australia (page 131-138)

Mark Brown, Mohammad Reza Ghaffariyan
Original scientific paper

Modelling of Downhill Timber Skidding: Bigger Load – Bigger Slope (page 139-150)

Andreja Đuka, Tibor Pentek, Dubravko Horvat, Tomislav Poršinsky
Original scientific paper

Possibilities of Using Small Tractors for Forestry Operations on Private Property (page 151-162)

Jurij Marenče, Janez Krč
Original scientific paper

Comparison of Two Felling & Processing Methods in Beech Forests (page 163-174)

Dane Marčeta, Boštjan Košir
Original scientific paper

Effect of Tree Form on the Productivity of a Cut-to-Length Harvester in a Hardwood Dominated Stand (page 175-183)

Eric R. Labelle, Michel Soucy, André Cyr, Gaetan Pelletier
Original scientific paper

Development of Harvesting Machines for Willow Small-Sizes Plantations in East-Central Europe (page 185-199)

Tomasz Trzepieciński, Feliks Stachowicz, Witold Niemiec, Leszek Kępa, Marek Dziurka
Preliminary communication

Carbon Footprint of Forest Operations under Different Management Regimes (page 201-217)

Giulio Cosola, Stefano Grigolato, Pierre Ackerman, Sergio Monterotti, Raffaele Cavalli
Review article

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