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Technical gazette , Vol. 23 No. 6, 2016.

  • Publication date: 29.11.2016.
  • Published on HRČAK: 29.11.2016.

Table of contents

Full text

Work sampling of product development activities (page 1547-1554)

Stanko Škec, Mario Štorga, Zlatka Tečec Ribarić
Original scientific paper

Urban traffic modeling with microscopic approach using cellular automata (page 1565-1570)

İsmail Kurnaz
Original scientific paper

Application of swarm based optimization algorithms to maximize output energy of photovoltaic panels (page 1571-1578)

Amangaldi Koochaki, Hadieh Sadat Hosseini
Original scientific paper

Level crossing rate of SC receiver over gamma shadowed Weibull multipath fading channel (page 1579-1584)

Suad Suljović, Dragana Krstić, Srdjan Maričić, Srboljub Zdravković, Vladeta Milenković, Mihajlo Stefanović
Original scientific paper

Simulation analysis of rock braking mechanism of tunnel boring machine (page 1585-1590)

Lida Zhu, Tianhua Wei, Baoguang Liu, Tianbiao Yu
Original scientific paper

Integrated management model of the corporate digital forensic investigation (page 1591-1600)

Gojko Grubor, Milenko Heleta, Nenad Ristić, Ivan Barać
Original scientific paper

Anaerobic digestion of specific biodegradable waste and final disposal (page 1601-1607)

Sanja Kalambura, Tajana Krička, Darko Kiš, Sonja Marić, Sunčica Guberac, Dražan Kozak, Antun Stoić, Aleksandar Racz
Original scientific paper

Application of the principle of electroconductivity and the use of EC scanner for determining the properties of the soil (page 1617-1621)

Mladen Jurišić, Ivan Plaščak, Željko Barač, Domagoj Zimmer
Original scientific paper

Geodetic studies with significant contribution to landslide monitoring in south-western Romania – area with high risk potential (page 1623-1630)

Clara-Beatrice Vilceanu, Ioan Sorin Herban, Carmen Grecea
Original scientific paper

Semantic modelling and ontology integration of the open government systems (page 1631-1641)

Darko Petrušić, Milan Segedinac, Zora Konjović
Original scientific paper

The influence of carbon, manganese and silicon content upon the hardness of phosphorus cast iron used in manufacturing rolling stock braking shoes (page 1643-1648)

Ana Socalici, Liviu Pascu, Erika Ardelean, Teodor Heput
Original scientific paper

Interpreting XML keyword query using hidden Markov model (page 1649-1658)

Xiping Liu, Changxuan Wan, Dexi Liu
Original scientific paper

Evaluation of the colorant twins for the neutral grey spectra in infrared graphic procedure (page 1659-1664)

Ivan Pogarčić, Ana Agić, Maja Matas
Original scientific paper

Application of multicriteria optimization methods in the design of road embankments (page 1665-1672)

Nazim Manić, Izet Hot, Dragan Lukić, Mladen Pantić
Original scientific paper

Determining stress intensity factor KI with extrapolation method (page 1673-1678)

Boštjan Zafošnik, Gorazd Fajdiga
Original scientific paper

Evaluating costs of vehicle use in military logistics (page 1679-1686)

Leon Grašič, Tone Lerher, Bojan Rosi
Original scientific paper

Modelling of abrasive wear of Ni-based self-fluxing alloy coatings by the application of experimental design (page 1687-1693)

Sara Havrlisan, Katica Simunovic, Djordje Vukelic
Original scientific paper

Optimization of cutting process of AISI 316 L corrosion resistant steel with hydro abrasive jet (page 1695-1700)

Miroslav Duspara, Valnea Starčević, Antun Stoić
Original scientific paper

Idea assessment and selection in product innovation – the empirical research results (page 1707-1716)

Milan Stevanović, Dorian Marjanović, Mario Štorga
Original scientific paper

Optimization of high-precision cylinder manufacturing (page 1717-1722)

Peter Eniko, Davorin Kramar
Original scientific paper

A split task solution for quay crane scheduling problem in mid-size container terminals (page 1723-1730)

Neven Grubišić, Čedomir Dundović, Srdjan Žuškin
Original scientific paper

Application of mathematical model for container transport flow of goods: from Far east to Serbia (page 1739-1746)

Radoslav Rajkovic, Nenad Zrnic, Djordje Stakic
Original scientific paper

What leads to severe mountainous freeway crashes in southeast of China? (page 1747-1753)

Chunbo Zhang, Xiucheng Guo, Yonggang Wang, Yan Li, Ning Zhang
Original scientific paper

A new approach of weighted gradient filter for denoising of medical images in the presence of Poisson noise (page 1755-1762)

Khan Bahadar Khan, Amir A. Khaliq, Muhammad Shahid, Jawad Ali Shah
Original scientific paper

Effect of internal capabilities on success of construction company innovation and technology transfer (page 1763-1770)

Gökhan Demirdöğen, Zeynep Işık
Original scientific paper

High-risk bio-waste processing by alkaline hydrolysis and isolation of amino acids (page 1771-1776)

Sanja Kalambura, Tajana Krička, Darko Kiš, Sunčica Guberac, Dražan Kozak, Antun Stoić
Original scientific paper

Towards a highly customizable framework for release planning process (page 1777-1785)

Amir Seyed Danesh, Rodina Ahmad, Shahaboddin Shamshirband, Seyed Mahdi Zargarnataj
Original scientific paper

Semi-supervised affinity propagation based on density peaks (page 1787-1794)

Limin Wang, Xing Tao, Xuming Han, Jialing Han, Ying Liu, Guangyu Mu
Original scientific paper

Mergers and acquisitions in the reflection of soap bubbles (page 1805-1812)

Slavka T. Nikolić, Maša Bukurov, Dejan Erić, Jelena Stanković
Original scientific paper

Expressing uncertainty of active power measurement by means of electrodynamic wattmeter (page 1813-1820)

Vedran Boras, Krešimir Tačković, Vladimir Pleština
Original scientific paper

Virtual environment in control and programming system for reconfigurable machining robot (page 1821-1829)

Zoran Dimic, Dragan Milutinovic, Sasa Zivanovic, Vladimir Kvrgic
Preliminary communication

Wire EDM machining simulations based on STEP-NC program (page 1831-1838)

Sasa Zivanovic, Radovan Puzovic
Preliminary communication

Laboratory testings of fly ash (page 1839-1848)

Miloš Šešlija, Aleksandra Rosić, Nebojša Radović, Milinko Vasić, Mitar Đogo, Milovan Jotić
Preliminary communication

Proposition of new methodology for developing basic topographic maps based on real estate cadastre database (page 1849-1854)

Ilma Dinar, Slobodanka Ključanin, Vesna Poslončec-Petrić
Preliminary communication

A service-oriented framework for interpersonal communication in architecture, engineering and construction (page 1855-1862)

Robert Klinc, Žiga Turk, Matevž Dolenc
Review article

An analysis of image compression techniques in wireless multimedia sensor networks (page 1863-1869)

Arafat Senturk, Resul Kara
Review article

Flexibility of mechanical biological treatment plants (page 1871-1877)

Bojan Plavac, Igor Sutlović, Veljko Filipan
Review article

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