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Forum for Security Studies , Vol. 2 No. 2, 2018.

  • Publication date: 03.12.2018.
  • Published on HRČAK: 04.12.2018.

Table of contents

Full text

The Rise of China and Security of the Asia-Pacific Region (page 92-92)

Dario Kuntić
Review article

(De) securitisation factors of the EU’s gas supply (page 119-142)

Jelena Radić Đozić
Review article

The abuse of diplomatic immunities in modern diplomatic practice: challenges and possible solutions (page 215-215)

Đana Luša, Marijana Polenus
Original scientific paper

Sigurnost EU vs. sigurnosti migranata: Srbija na Balkanskoj migracijskoj ruti (page 219-246)

Mirjana Bobić, Danica Šantić
Original scientific paper

Novi pristupi izazovu masovnih migracija (page 266-266)

Filip Dragović, Aziz Hasanović, Robert Mikac, Krešimir Mamić
Review article

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