Skoči na glavni sadržaj

Metalurgija , Vol. 55 No. 2, 2016.

  • Datum izdavanja: 01.04.2016.
  • Objavljen na Hrčku: 06.10.2015.


Puni tekst

A two-stage metal valorisation process from electric arc furnace dust (EAFD) (str. 149-152)

H. Issa, M. Korać, Ž. Kamberović, M. Gavrilovski, T. Kovačević
Izvorni znanstveni članak

Hydrometallurgical recovery of tin and lead from waste printed circuit boards (WPCBs): limitations and opportunities (str. 153-156)

M. Ranitović, Ž. Kamberović, M. Korać, N. Jovanović, A. Mihjalović
Izvorni znanstveni članak

Influence of testing rate on Lüders band propagation in niobium microalloyed steel (str. 157-160)

S. Rešković, I. Jandrlić, F. Vodopivec
Izvorni znanstveni članak

Dependence of Al bronze surfaced layers on the postweld thermomechanical treatment (str. 161-164)

V. Marušić, I. Samardžić, I. Opačak
Izvorni znanstveni članak

Mechanical and structural response of AISI 4135 steel after controlled cooling process (str. 165-168)

P. Kučera, E. Mazancová
Izvorni znanstveni članak

Phase analysis of fume during arc weld brazing of steel sheets with protective coatings (str. 169-172)

J. Matusiak, J. Wyciślik, H. Krztoń
Izvorni znanstveni članak

Examining properties of arc sprayed nanostructured coatings (str. 173-176)

A. Czupryński, J. Gorka, M. Adamiak
Izvorni znanstveni članak

Tailoring the gradient ultrafine-grained structure in low-carbon steel during drawing with shear (str. 177-180)

G. I. Raab, L. A. Simonova, G. N. Alyoshin
Izvorni znanstveni članak

Physical modelling and numerical finite element method (FEM) simulation of forging in open die of alloy AIMgSi0,5 (str. 181-184)

M. Janjić, M. Vukčević, Z. Jurković, N. Šibalić, S. Savićević
Izvorni znanstveni članak

Effect of aging on mechanical properties of Al-8Si-8Fe-1.4V/SiCp composites (str. 189-192)

A. Essari, F. Sariuglo, Z. Petrovic, A. Sedmak, I. Samardžić
Prethodno priopćenje

Effects of heat treatment on the properties of low carbon steel 19MnB4 for screws (str. 193-196)

M. Oruč, J. Duraković, S. Muhamedagić, B. Fakić, M. Rimac
Prethodno priopćenje

Developing model of mass-exchange processes in porous bodies on example of iron-ore pellets oxidation process (str. 197-199)

Sv. S. Kvon, T. S. Filippova, H. I. Malashkevichute
Prethodno priopćenje

Statistical analysis of the V-tool bending process parameters in the bending of HC260Y steel (str. 200-202)

J. Cumin, I. Samardžić, L. Maglić
Prethodno priopćenje

Investigation of sedimentation analysis of suspensions with 20 % of the content halloysite clay (str. 203-205)

A. Z. Issagulov, V. Yu. Kulikov, Y. P. Chsherbakova, E. M. Azbanbayev, Sv. S. Kvon
Prethodno priopćenje

Using high-chromium iron as material for production of the equipping components of mine shafts (str. 206-208)

Sv. S. Kvon, V. Y. Kulikov, T. S. Filippova, A. E. Omarova
Prethodno priopćenje

Mass balance at partial run of quartzite carbothermal reduction (str. 209-212)

J. Węgrzyn
Prethodno priopćenje

The influence of temperature on mechanical properties of the base material (BM) and welded joint (WJ) made of steel S690QL (str. 213-216)

V. Lazić, S. Aleksandrović, D. Arsić, A. Sedmak, A. Ilić, M. Djordjević, L. Ivanović
Prethodno priopćenje

The optimization of welding regime parameters at shielded metal arc welding (SMAW) by mathematical modeling (str. 217-220)

V. Petrescu, G. Paraschiv, D. Dobrotă
Prethodno priopćenje

Validation of the finite element method (FEM) in case of reconditioning by welding applied to crankshafts (str. 221-224)

O. Chivu, D-T. Cicic, C. Rontescu
Prethodno priopćenje

The modeling of heat affected zone (HAZ) in submerged arc welding (SAW) surfacing steel element (str. 225-228)

J. Winczek, E. Gawrońska
Prethodno priopćenje

The phenomenon of durability variable dies for aluminum extrusion profiles (str. 229-232)

J. Borowski, J. Wendland
Prethodno priopćenje

Aluminium supplier selection for the automotive parts manufacturer (str. 237-240)

M. Cieśla
Prethodno priopćenje

Efficiency of Polish metallurgical industry based on data envelopment analysis (str. 245-248)

J. Baran, M. Wysokinski, D. Staš, A. Samolejová, R. Lenort
Prethodno priopćenje

Tribological wear mechanisms of molds for high pressure die casting (str. 249-252)

Z. Dadić, D. Živković, N. Čatipović
Pregledni rad

Chromate conversion coatings and their current application (str. 253-256)

P. Pokorny, P. Tej, P. Szelag
Pregledni rad

Energy efficiency in small and medium scale foundry industry (str. 257-259)

G. Patange, M. Khond
Pregledni rad

The investment location decisions in the steel industry (str. 263-266)

M. M. Abrudan, L. C. Abrudan, T. Roman
Pregledni rad

Competencies of engineering staff in steelworks after their restructuring (str. 271-274)

K. SzczepańsKa-Woszczyna, B. Gajdzik
Pregledni rad

Excise levying on gold products on the Romanian territory (str. 275-277)

I. Bostan, T. Roman
Pregledni rad

Mining remittances corresponding to metalliferous ores: regulation and budget impact (str. 278-280)

N. Asaloș, E. Hlaciuc, I. Bostan, T. Roman, D. Mateș, A. Manolică
Pregledni rad

The influence of the reconditioning by welding processes on the hardness of crankshafts in the automotive industry (str. 281-284)

O. Chivu, D-T. Cicic, C. Rontescu, I-M. Vasile
Stručni rad

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