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Filozofska istraživanja , Vol. 35 No. 1, 2015.

  • Publication date: 17.06.2015.
  • Published on HRČAK: 31.05.2016.

Table of contents

Full text

SADRŽAJ (page 1-1)


CONTENTS (page 2-2)

SOMMAIRE (page 2-2)

INHALT (page 2-2)


Mediteranska misao: od antike do Camusa (page 3-3)

Marita Brčić Kuljiš, Mislav Kukoč

Are Demiurge and His Cosmos in Plato’s Timaeus of Mediterranean Origin? (page 5-20)

Mislav Ježić
Original scientific paper

K antičkim korijenima prozodije. Prilog za rekonstrukciju starogrčkog izgovora (page 31-47)

Slobodan Stamatović
Original scientific paper

Mediterranean Thought (page 49-52)

Mediteransko mišljenje (page 49-52)

Henning Ottmann
Review article

Mediteransko mišljenje Alberta Camusa i filozofija povijesti (page 53-65)

Mislav Kukoč
Original scientific paper

Mediterranean Toponyms in Nietzsche’s Works (page 89-99)

Vladimir Jelkić
Original scientific paper

Reinterpretation of the Fragment DK B6 of Parmenides’ Poem (page 101-115)

Drago Đurić
Original scientific paper

Spencer’s Philosophy of Individual Freedom (page 137-152)

Marko Dokić
Review article

What Is (No Longer) an Image? Iconic Difference, Immersion, and Iconic Simultaneity (page 153-169)

Krešimir Purgar
Original scientific paper

Time and Perspective. Question of Revolution Today (page 171-179)

Luka Bogdanić
Review article

In memoriam. Milan Polić (1946.–2015.) (page 181-184)

Boris Kalin
In memoriam, Obituary

RECENZIJE I PRIKAZI (page 185-201)

Ana Jeličić, Demian Papo, Matija Mato Škrebić, Roni Rengel, Lino Veljak, Nevad Kahteran

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