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  • Publication date: 01.02.2021.
  • Published on HRČAK: 14.02.2022.

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Assessing the quality of the online teaching process in adult education: the perspective of program participants (page 0-0)

Morana Koludrović, Snježana Zbukvić Ožbolt
Preliminary communication

Student satisfaction with distance learning during the COVID-19 pandemic at the Faculty of Teacher Education, University of Zagreb (page 0-0)

Ana Šenjug Golub, Višnja Rajić, Mario Dumančić
Preliminary communication

Webinari kao alat za postizanje učinkovitog poučavanja (page 0-0)

Ana Žnidarec Čučković, Ana Sabolić, Katarina Ohnjec
Professional paper

Kruh naš svagdašnji po COVID-u (page 68-68)

Goran Lapat

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