Cultural Diversity like Asset


  • Ivan Cifrić Department of Sociology, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb


global sociability, cultural entropy, cultural imperialism, modern culture, primitive culture, cultural diversity, tradition


In this paper, the author deals with the results on perception of desirability of preserving the cultural diversity. The matter of diversity surpasses the conjuncture of the subject and reaches for the anthropological aspects of the human species and its perspective. The author problematizes the questions on homogenization and cultural diversity by pointing out the presence of two tendencies in this globalization times: on the one hand, there is a process of civilizational homogenization which leads into imperial hegemony of a single model relying on the military sector and global expansion of cultural industry products via mass media, while on the other hand, one can feel the repulse to the loss of cultural diversity in the world. The cultural diversity comprises different cultural and historical experiences that can contribute to the making of paralel development patterns.
This paper is also an analysis of the empirical research on the corresponding sample (2007; N= 189) at the Academy of Fine Arts, at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture and at the Faculty of Philosophy). In the analysis there were used the univariate, bivariate and multivariate statistics techniques (componential analysis under the G– K criterion as well as the variance analysis).





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