The City in the Post-Industrial Age: Important Economic Characteristics of the Modern City


  • Filip Majetić Institut društvenih znanosti Ivo Pilar


economic polarization, city, metropolitanization, new urban economy, postindustrial age


The main aim of this paper is to systematically examine important characteristics of the city in the postindustrial age, with particular focus on important economic characteristics of the modern city. Critical analysis of literature in the field of sociology and urban geography revealed the following processes as the most important characteristics of the post-industrial city, which are then further discussed in the paper: deindustrialization, tertiarization, economic polarization of population, increase in home manufactures and “sweatshops”, increase in unofficial economy, gentrification and flexibilization of labor. Additionally, opposing viewpoints of the most prominent researchers, regarding the position and role of the modern city in the production of (socio-) economic progress will be presented. Will the role that the city had in the industrial age, as the most important “incubator” of knowledge and innovation, continue to be its most important characteristics in the post-industrial age? Is the city becoming more of a place in the age of developing information and communication technologies and less important as the space of the production of economic (and social) progress? Is the metropolitan region taking over the (central) role from the city as the source of economic progress? This paper discusses these and other issues surrounding this debate. The conclusion is that the place, i.e. the city still remains an important source of (socio-) economic progress and that possible domination of the metropolitan region over the (central) city will not necessarily result in coimplete disappearance of the city as we know it from the industrial age.





Review article