Rene Descartes and Contemporary Understanding of Nature


  • Tomislav Krznar


R. Descartes, nature, ecology, nature protection, modern understanding of nature, sustainable development


In this work the author is trying to show the characteristic moment of modern understanding of relation between a man and nature, i.e. Descartes´ critiques that resulted in devastation of nature. The author thinks these critiques are not true for the reason that nature has never been the direct topic of Descartes´ philosophy. It has become one indirectly, through the only true topic of his philosophy: a man. A man and his welfare, i.e. a man and his central place in the world were the central guidelines of Descartes´ philosophy. A man has become aware of the imperative of nature protection at the moment when he has faced its devastation, moreover, when he has become aware that he is cause of this. Nowadays when we live in
time of changes on the global level, we become more aware of the imperative of nature protection, but this awareness remains
within the frame of financial benefit determined by the old notions of progress and development. As much as the notion of domination over nature is disastrous for nature, it is not the matter of Descartes, but the matter of those who have found in him support for their thinking and activities. Unfortunately on the way towards progress, the nature has become the collateral victim by paying this price.





Review article