Anthropogenic and Natural Dynamics of Landscape Ecosystems of the Slovechansko-Ovruchsky Ridge (Ukraine)


  • Oleksandr Harbar Department of Ecology and Geography, Faculty of Natural Sciences Zhytomyr Ivan Franko State University
  • Ivan Khomiak
  • Iryna Kotsiuba
  • Nataliia Demchuk
  • Iryna Onyshchuk


habitats, autogenic successions, allogeneic successions, environmental monitoring, human impact


The need for landscape management cannot be satisfied by static data alone. Landscape ecosystems are complex dynamic objects and the successful protection or operation of such areas depends on the quality of monitoring their dynamics and the forecasts built on its basis. Forecasting accuracy also depends on the quality of the modelling and this is why it is necessary to highlight the most universal and key characteristics of ecosystems. The Slovechansko-Ovruchsky ridge, which has a phenomenally high variety of landscapes, is well suited as an object for testing approaches to modelling. The authors singled out 11 territorial parts of the Slovechansko-Ovruchsky ridge at the level of landscapes and tracts. The differentiation of these landscapes was assessed using the synphytoindication method to determine the value of natural and anthropogenic dynamics. This made it possible to build prognostic algorithms for ecosystem changes using geobotanical data and produce prospects to create the best suitable landscape protection strategy or more effective and safe exploitation of landscapes.






Original scientific (research) paper