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Filologija , No. 64, 2015.

  • Publication date: 29.02.2016.
  • Published on HRČAK: 12.03.2016.

Table of contents

Full text

Antun Mihanović and his contribution to Slavonic-Sanskrit comparative studies (page 1-36)

Constantine L. Borissoff
Review article

On the Proto-Slavic inherited lexicon in the Croatian Kajkavian dialects (page 0-0)

Pavao Krmpotić
Original scientific paper

The language of ‘Dragi kamen’ by M. Balota: A linguistic analysis (page 0-0)

David Mandić
Original scientific paper

On the contemporary speech of Zadar (page 0-0)

Slavica Vrsaljko
Professional paper

O dvojezičnoj leksikografiji na leksikografski način (page 167-172)

Ljubica Josić
Case report

Jagiću u čast (page 173-178)

Petra Košutar
Case report

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