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  • Publication date: 22.01.2024.
  • Published on HRČAK: 26.01.2024.

Table of contents

Full text

Uvodnik (page IX-XII)

Vladimir Strugar

Quo Vaditis, Scientia et Educatio? (page 102-103)

Rudolf Kiralj
Original scientific paper

Croatian basic education must be STEAL (page 150-150)

Igor Čatić
Review article

Application of Bee-Bot in early and preschool education (page 169-170)

Edita Rogulj, Lana Radošević, Mersija Plančić Dlačić
Preliminary communication

Qualitative analysis of experiences and proposals for professional development of Croatian teachers abroad (page 229-229)

Renata Burai, Rona Bušljeta Kardum, Ksenija Klasnić
Original scientific paper

Analysis of the narrative abilities of children with delayed enrollment in first grade (page 245-246)

Martina Galeković
Original scientific paper

Peer education of high school students on healthy eating from birth (page 275-275)

Marija Čatipović, Zrinka Puharić, Ksenija Eljuga, Goranka Rafaj, Paula Čatipović
Original scientific paper

Encouraging creativity in teaching English before and during the coronavirus pandemic (page 299-300)

Josipa Lelas, Tonća Jukić
Original scientific paper

Analysis of the satisfaction with different aspects of studying of the graduated VERN’ University students (page 364-364)

Irena Miljković Krečar, Stana Odak Krasić
Preliminary communication

Predictors of secondary school teachers’ stress (page 421-422)

Tomislav Cerinski, Dubravka Miljković
Original scientific paper

Prinos napretku liječničkog zanimanja (page 441-443)

Vjenceslav Herout
Book review

Kazalo ključnih riječi (page 444-444)

Index of Keywords (page 445-445)

Vladimir Strugar

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