Summary inventory of the collection HR-DAPA-862 Collection of copies of documents from foreign archives and institutions


  • Sebastijan Legović Državni arhiv u Pazinu



collection of copies , list, summary inventory, microfilms, digital copies


HR-DAPA-862, the Collection of copies of documents from foreign archives and institutions was formed in the State Archives in Pazin. The Collection consists of copies of archival material from archives and institutions from abroad: the Trieste State Archives, the Archives of the Republic of Slovenia, the Austrian State Archives, the National Archives of France, the Diplomatic Archives of the Attilio Hortis City Library in Trieste, the Giovanni Spadolini Senate Library in Rome, the Correr Museum Library in Venice, the Appellate Court Library in Trieste, the National Library of St. Mark in Venice, the Diocesan Archives in Trieste, the Vatican Secret Archives, the Archives of the University of Vienna, the Diocesan Archives in Vienna, the Faculty of Catholic Theology of the University of Vienna, the Maribor University Library, the National and University Library in Ljubljana, the Museum of Czech Literature Literary Archives, the Historical Archives of the German-Hungarian Pontifical College and the Châtillonnais Museum. The material of the Collection refers to the Miscellanea diplomatica of the Bishop’s office in Vrsar, to the Franciscean Cadastre of Istria, to the Geographical Maps of the Austrian Littoral, to the General Intendant of the Illyrian Provinces, to the Provincial Government for Carniola, to the Vicedom’s Office for Carniola, to the Representation and Chamber for Carniola, to the Provincial Diet for Carniola, to the Intendant for Istria, to the Intendant for Rijeka, to the Collection of Maps and Charts, to the French Administration Collection of Documents, to the General Series of Documents, to the Diplomacy and Foreign Policy, to the Foreign Affairs Rovinj, to the Navy Hydrographic Service, to the Istrian Statutes, to the material on Bishop Juraj Dobrila and on Bishop Ignatius Cajetanus and to the maps and plans of the Illyrian provinces. Although the archives were taken over on several occasions prior to 2004, the Collection had not been recorded in the basic archives records, and the material was separated into several archival fonds/collections. The archives were only consolidated in 2005 for the purpose of unifying the data in the General guide for archival holdings in Republic of Croatia, which was published in 2006. The only source of information about the archives was the lists of microfilms that had been made in the then Microfilming Laboratory of the State Archives in Pazin. An archival list was created in 2006 with regard to the current sub-series of the Franciscean Cadastre of Istria to enable its use in the reading room and for dealing with requests from users. In 2011, a summary-analytical inventory was drawn, however it included only copies taken over up to the end of 2007. As copies continued to be collected in the meantime, a review and comprehensive listing and arrangement of all copies taken from foreign archives and institutions up to and including 2021 was initiated in 2022. The records contained in the collection were described at multiple levels, an archival list was created, and the summary inventory of the collection was created and completed.





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