Development of a multilevel description of the original archives for the purpose of creating the Fund HR-HDA-2023, in accordance with the professional international standards ISAD (G) and ISAAR (CPF)




Republic Secretariat of Agriculture, Food Industry and Forestry of the Republic of Croatia, Republic Committee for Agriculture and Forestry of the Republic of Croatia, Croatian State Archives, archival science, business records, original archives, ISAD(G), ISAAR(CPF)


The article presents the development of a description of the original archival material of the Republic Secretariat of Agriculture, Food Industry and Forestry and the Republic Committee for Agriculture and Forestry in the economic field from 1971 to 1990, according to the archival scientific approach of describing the documentation from the moment of its acquisition until the final storage of thematic units in adequate conditions (Fonds HRHDA- 2023). A study of the history of these institutions, with a description of the structure and content of the official documentation units of the original archives, is necessary to produce a multilevel top-down description, in accordance with the General International Standard Archival Description ISAD(G) and ISAA (CPF). The purpose of describing and organizing the Committee’s business documentation was to create the HR-HDA-2023 Fonds as a valuable historical source of information from archives and official data for various researches in the field of history and economic development and research of different political and economic circumstances in the territory of the former SFRY. In this sense, the aim of this paper is to provide an insight into the creation of a comprehensive fonds which presents a framework of complex structures of organized thematic areas, and thus provides an additional quality source for scientific research and provides a representative example for the production of a professional paper as a preparation for taking the professional exam to acquire the professional title - archivist.





From archival theory and practice