The Summary Inventory of the Fonds of the Local People’s Committee of Vrh 1947 - 1952
Local People’s Committee of Vrh, Istra, summary inventory, administrative authorityAbstract
The Local People’s Committee of Vrh began its activity in 1947 as a local administrative authority covering the area of its competence. As the highest authority, it ensured the smooth running of all activities under his responsibility - economy, agriculture, public utilities, trade and crafts, finance, health and social care, etc. Furthermore, it also carried out the activities of registry, population registration, control of the work of local social organizations etc. It called regular and extraordinary sessions where current important issues for the local community were discussed. Following the change of the legal framework and termination of the activities of the creator, the material of the Fonds was transferred ex officio from the records of the Buzet Municipality Assembly, together with the archives of other former administrative bodies in the area of Buzet, to the State Archives of Pazin. After being taken over by the Archive, the archives of the Fonds were only basically arranged and listed, while archival processing was carried out in 2016. The archives were arranged in series, according to the content or area of activity or function referred to: Organization and Management, General Affairs, Specific Affairs and Financial Operations.
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