HR-DAPA-389 District Committee of the League of Communists of Croatia Pula 1955-1965 Summary Inventory


  • Gordan Grzunov Državni arhiv u Pazinu


League of Communists, social and political organisation, Pula, Istria, record group


The fond of the State Archives in Pazin HR-DAPA-389 District Committee of the League of Communists of Croatia Pula (1955-1965) contains archives created through the activities of the District Committee of the League of Communists of Croatia Pula during the whole period of its activity between 1955 and 1965. The seat of the Committee was in Pula, and its territorial jurisdiction comprised the territory of the Pula District, which spread over the whole territory of the Croatian Istria. The Committee was in charge of control and steering of the work of all municipal committees of the League of Communists of Croatia, and through them of all basic organisations and members of the League of Communists of Croatia of its territory. The Summary Inventory of the fond provides general information on the archives and on the creator of the fond, including also a brief overview of the history of the Communist Party of Croatia/League of Communists of Croatia with a particular focus on the events in Istria and a description of the history of the archives. Descriptions of the sub-levels (series), give a detail elaboration of data on single units of archives The subordinate groups of the fond were arranged in accordance with the bodies of the Committee that created the archives. The fond is thus divided into seven unites (series): Documents created by the representative and executive bodies of the District Committee of the League of Communists of Croatia Pula, Organisational and Instructing Commission, Human Resources Commission, Ideology Commission, Agitation and Propaganda Commission, Records and Statistics and Finance. Where this was required by the original order or contents, series were further divided into lower units. The conservation level of certain parts is rather poor, but, in general, it can be described as satisfactory. To protect personal information a part of the archives is temporarily not accessible. Archives was written completely in the Croatian language, on paper of different quality, mostly typed. As the supreme body of the League of Communists in the territory of Istria of the time, the District Committee of the League of Communists of Croatia Pula left an archives that is a valuable source of information on the work of the Committee, but is also an indispensable and irreplaceable source of information on the overall activities of this social and political organisation on the territory of Istria in the period from 1955 to 1965.





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