Goran Šantek
Puni tekst: hrvatski pdf 38 Kb
str. 229-230
preuzimanja: 469
APA 6th Edition
Šantek, G. (2002). Contemporary Field Research, Perspectives and Formulations, ed. Robert M. Emerson, Waveland Press, Prospect Heights 2001., 433 str.. Narodna umjetnost, 39 (2), 229-230. Preuzeto s https://hrcak.srce.hr/33157
MLA 8th Edition
Šantek, Goran. "Contemporary Field Research, Perspectives and Formulations, ed. Robert M. Emerson, Waveland Press, Prospect Heights 2001., 433 str.." Narodna umjetnost, vol. 39, br. 2, 2002, str. 229-230. https://hrcak.srce.hr/33157. Citirano 16.02.2025.
Chicago 17th Edition
Šantek, Goran. "Contemporary Field Research, Perspectives and Formulations, ed. Robert M. Emerson, Waveland Press, Prospect Heights 2001., 433 str.." Narodna umjetnost 39, br. 2 (2002): 229-230. https://hrcak.srce.hr/33157
Šantek, G. (2002). 'Contemporary Field Research, Perspectives and Formulations, ed. Robert M. Emerson, Waveland Press, Prospect Heights 2001., 433 str.', Narodna umjetnost, 39(2), str. 229-230. Preuzeto s: https://hrcak.srce.hr/33157 (Datum pristupa: 16.02.2025.)
Šantek G. Contemporary Field Research, Perspectives and Formulations, ed. Robert M. Emerson, Waveland Press, Prospect Heights 2001., 433 str.. Narodna umjetnost [Internet]. 2002 [pristupljeno 16.02.2025.];39(2):229-230. Dostupno na: https://hrcak.srce.hr/33157
G. Šantek, "Contemporary Field Research, Perspectives and Formulations, ed. Robert M. Emerson, Waveland Press, Prospect Heights 2001., 433 str.", Narodna umjetnost, vol.39, br. 2, str. 229-230, 2002. [Online]. Dostupno na: https://hrcak.srce.hr/33157. [Citirano: 16.02.2025.]