- Status in HRČAK: active
ISSN 0007-215X (Tisak)
ISSN 1845-5859 (Online) -
UDK: 629.5(05)
DOI: https://doi.org/10.21278/brod - Contact:
Fakultet strojarstva i brodogradnje (Časopis "Brodogradnja")
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fax: +385 (0)1/6156940 - Email: brodogradnja@fsb.hr
- URL: http://www.fsb.hr/brodogradnja/
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University of Zagreb Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture
Ivana Lučića 5, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia
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International scientific peer reviewed open-access on-line journal Theory and Practice of Naval Architecture, Marine Engineering and Ocean Engineering Serving Shipbuilding, Shipping and Offshore Industry Indexing Indexed by Web of Sciences (WoS) Science Citation Index Expanded since 2008 2017 Journal Citation Reports® Science Edition (Thomson Reuters, 2017) impact factor 0.519 (5 year 0.574) ranked Q4 11th/14 in category Marine Engineering (View ranking) 2017 SCImago ranking Q2 in Mechanical Engineering and Q2 in Ocean Engineering SJR=0.366 H Index=9, SNIP=0.824 (View ranking) Aims and scopes Journal is devoted to multidisciplinary researches in the fields of theoretical and experimental naval architecture and oceanology as well as to challenging problems in shipping, shipbuilding, offshore and related industries worldwide. The aim of the journal is to integrate interests in shipbuilding, ocean engineering, sea and ocean shipping, inland navigation and intermodal transportation as well as environmental issues, overall safety, wind, marine and hydrokinetic renewable energy production and sustainable transportation development at seas and oceans. The journal focuses on hydrodynamics, structures, reliability, materials, construction, design, optimization, production engineering, building and organization of building, project management, repair and maintenance planning, information systems in shipyards, quality assurance as well as outfitting, powering, power plants and equipment onboard. About journal BRODOGRADNJA(SHIPBUILDING) Journal BRODOGRADNJA(SHIPBUILDING) was launched in 1950 as an expression of growing enthusiasm and ambition for promotion of the shipping and shipbuilding tradition of Croatia. Its primary focus was on research and development serving the fast developing shipbuilding industry. The permanently growing shipbuilding industry took over the publishing of BRODOGRADNJA in 1981. In 1982 BRODOGRADNJA became a bilingual international journal, i.e. contributions were written either in Croatian or English. The Croatian shipbuilding research institute ─ Brodarski Institute became the publisher of BRODOGRADNJA in 1992. During this successful period of growth, BRODOGRADNJA covered the following regularly scheduled sections: peer reviewed scientific and professional papers, current topics and news from the shipbuilding industry, reviews, and worldwide maritime news. Since the beginning of the year 2014 BRODOGRADNJA has been edited and published by the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture of the University of Zagreb. BRODOGRADNJA is intended to be an international scientific peer reviewed open-access journal with focus on the Theory and Practice of Naval Architecture, Marine Engineering and Ocean Engineering serving the Shipbuilding, Shipping and Offshore Industry and related topics. Open access BRODOGRADNJA(SHIPBUILDING) has been adopted the GUIDE FOR THE PREPARATION OF SCIENTIFIC PAPERS FOR PUBLICATIONS PGI-83/WE/10, Second Edition, Paris 1983, United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), General InformationProgamme and UNISIST. BRODOGRADNJA(SHIPBUILDING) has been an open access journal from its early beginnings. Papers are available free of charge to everyone in accordance with the Budapest Open Access Initiative from 2002 and Croatian declaration on open access to scientific information from the year 2012. Open and fully free access is particularly supported after the inclusion of BRODOGRADNJA into the Central Portal of Croatian Scientific Journals called Hrčak (Hamster) in 2005 and following the launching of the Web edition of BRODOGRADNJA in 2007. Copyright and archiving Publisher copyright policies & self-archiving (green policies) information is available here http://www.sherpa.ac.uk/romeo/pub/2294/ and is searchable in searching the RoMEO database - http://www.sherpa.ac.uk/romeo. Copyright policy of BRODOGRADNJA – authors are permitted to retain copyright and publishing rights without restrictions. Manuscripts are licenced under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY 3.0 Unported Licence. BRODOGRADNJA(SHIPBUILDING) is in Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) since 2015. Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture of the University of Zagreb is the member of Publisher International Liniking Associstion (PILA) using CROSSREF services Digital Object Identifiers DOI:10.21278/brod. Journal Brodogradnja is the member of the Committee on Publishing Ethics (COPE) since 2017. Journal Brodogradnja applies CrossRef iThenticate system for similarity checking for prevention of plagiiarism since 2017 Funding Journal Brodogradnja is funded by the Ministry of Science and Education of the republic of Croatia as well as by the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture of the University of Zagreb. BRODOGRADNJA learns from experienced scientists and experts and promotes young researchers and engineers. Editorial board https://www.fsb.unizg.hr/brodogradnja/EditorialBoard.htm (select and click)
- Peer review: peer review, equally national and international peer review, scientific and professional papers, single blind review, double
- First year of publication: 1950.
- Frequency (annually): 4
- Scientific disciplines and subdisciplines: Shipbuilding
- Date added to HRČAK: 07.02.2006.
- Rights: Brodogradnja is an Open access journal. Archiving policy Sherpa/ROMEO green route since 2015 All published manuscripts are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution CC BY 3.0 Unported License Authors are allowed to archive their submitted article in an open access repository. Authors are allowed to archive their accepted article in an open access repository. Authors are allowed to archive the final published article, often a pdf file, in an open access repository. There are not any other requirements for archiving in an open access repository- If the authors are subject to a pre-existing mandate from their institution, funder or government to make their article open access, we grant the author an automatic exemption from any restrictions in our policies which would otherwise prohibit their publication in Brodogradnja The single policy applies to authors of all of journal titles.