Numizmatičke Vijesti, Vol. 58 No. 69, 2016.
Izvorni znanstveni članak
Coins with Coats-of-Arms of the Croatian Clans of Kurjaković Krbavski (from the Gusić Clan) and Lapčani – Coins of Georg Ludwig Count of Sinzendorf from 1676
Amer Sulejmanagić
; Kantonalni zavod za zaštitu kulturno-historijskog i prirodnog naslijeđa, Sarajevo, BiH
The article is about coins with coats-of-arms of the Croatian Clans of Kurjaković Krbavski (from the Gusić Clan) and Lapačni, minted in 1676 by Georg Ludwig (Juraj Ljudevit), Count of Sinzendorf. This is a specific case showing the incorporation of the arms of the two clans, both mentioned in the Pacta Conventa (1102) as ancient Croatian tribes. Besides giving basic data about the clans, the author analyses their heraldic heritage using several chosen examples of their coats of arms, specific for the time when they were used, as recorded in some old armorials which are sources of first-class importance. He researches genealogical data about the two clans, especially after they were joined by marriage and in the next generation linked with the Trautmannsdorf family, and finally the transferring of the arms and the title to the Sinzendorf family, and the resulting genealogy. At the time of the most important member of the Sinzendorf family, Count Georg Ludwig, the arms of the Kurjaković Krbavski and Lapčani clans were officially united by imperial charter. Two types of composite coats of arms were
granted to Georg Ludwig. On one type the arms of the two Croatian clans are united and form one coat of arms. They appear again as two separate shields in the composite arms, on ducats, half-thalers and thalers that Georg Ludwig minted in 1676 and which are the subject of the article.
Ključne riječi
Kurjaković Krbavski (de Corbau); Lapčani (von Lapitz); Georg Ludwig von Sinzendorf; coats of arms; ducat; half-thaler; thaler
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