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  • Publication date: 15.12.2009.
  • Published on HRČAK: 01.06.2010.

Table of contents

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Special issue Destination rejuvenation strategies (page 223-224)

Catalina N Juaneda Sampol, Mike Peters

Managing induced tourism image: Relational patterns and the life cycle (page 241-258)

Raquel Camprubi, Jaume Guia, Jordi Comas
Original scientific paper

Social capital and the life cycle model: The transformation of the destination of Åre (page 259-284)

Sara Nordin, Hans Westlund
Review article

Growth strategies in mature destinations: Linking spatial planning with product development (page 285-307)

Harald Pechlaner, Marcus Herntrei, Lisa Kofink
Review article

Size matters! - Increasing DMO effectiveness and extending tourist destination boundaries (page 309-327)

Thomas Bieger, Pietro Beritelli, Christian Laesser
Review article

Resource commitment in destination management: The case of Abingdon, Virginia (page 329-344)

Manisha Singal, Muzaffer Uysal
Review article

Internet site review : (page 345-0)

Damir Krešić
Case report

50th anniversary of the Institute for Tourism (page 346-0)

Renata Tomljenović
Case report

Tourism management (page 349-0)

Tomislav Hitrec
Case report

Bibliography : selected papers (page 350-359)

Tomislav Hitrec, Ksenija Tokić

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