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  • Publication date: 21.06.2013.
  • Published on HRČAK: 21.06.2013.

Table of contents

Full text

The effects of prudential policy measures on financial stability in post-transition countries (page 9-34)

Mario Pečarić, Josip Visković
Original scientific paper

Determinante i stabilnost potražnje za novcem u Republici Makedoniji (page 0-0)

Jordan Kjosevski
Original scientific paper

Dynamic effects of fiscal policy and fiscal multipliers in Croatia (page 55-78)

Hrvoje Šimović, Milan Deskar-Škrbić
Original scientific paper

Evaluation of conflict hazard and financial risk in the E7 economies’ capital markets (page 79-102)

Ümit Hacıoğlu, Hasan Dinçer
Preliminary communication

Towards e-Government project assessment: European approach (page 103-125)

Pavel Mates, Tomáš Lechner, Pavel Rieger, Jitka Pěkná
Preliminary communication

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