Iris Zavoreo
APA 6th Edition
Zavoreo, I. (2011). Glavobolja i druga bolna stanja - Headache and other Pain Conditions, by Vida Demarin, Vanja Bašić-Kes, et al. Medicinska naklada, Zagreb University Textbooks, Zagreb, 2011, 400 pages, 23 chapters, 163 figures, 41 tables. ISBN 978-953-176-520-6.. Acta clinica Croatica, 50 (2), 303-304. Preuzeto s
MLA 8th Edition
Zavoreo, Iris. "Glavobolja i druga bolna stanja - Headache and other Pain Conditions, by Vida Demarin, Vanja Bašić-Kes, et al. Medicinska naklada, Zagreb University Textbooks, Zagreb, 2011, 400 pages, 23 chapters, 163 figures, 41 tables. ISBN 978-953-176-520-6.." Acta clinica Croatica, vol. 50, br. 2, 2011, str. 303-304. Citirano 17.02.2025.
Chicago 17th Edition
Zavoreo, Iris. "Glavobolja i druga bolna stanja - Headache and other Pain Conditions, by Vida Demarin, Vanja Bašić-Kes, et al. Medicinska naklada, Zagreb University Textbooks, Zagreb, 2011, 400 pages, 23 chapters, 163 figures, 41 tables. ISBN 978-953-176-520-6.." Acta clinica Croatica 50, br. 2 (2011): 303-304.
Zavoreo, I. (2011). 'Glavobolja i druga bolna stanja - Headache and other Pain Conditions, by Vida Demarin, Vanja Bašić-Kes, et al. Medicinska naklada, Zagreb University Textbooks, Zagreb, 2011, 400 pages, 23 chapters, 163 figures, 41 tables. ISBN 978-953-176-520-6.', Acta clinica Croatica, 50(2), str. 303-304. Preuzeto s: (Datum pristupa: 17.02.2025.)
Zavoreo I. Glavobolja i druga bolna stanja - Headache and other Pain Conditions, by Vida Demarin, Vanja Bašić-Kes, et al. Medicinska naklada, Zagreb University Textbooks, Zagreb, 2011, 400 pages, 23 chapters, 163 figures, 41 tables. ISBN 978-953-176-520-6.. Acta clinica Croatica [Internet]. 2011 [pristupljeno 17.02.2025.];50(2):303-304. Dostupno na:
I. Zavoreo, "Glavobolja i druga bolna stanja - Headache and other Pain Conditions, by Vida Demarin, Vanja Bašić-Kes, et al. Medicinska naklada, Zagreb University Textbooks, Zagreb, 2011, 400 pages, 23 chapters, 163 figures, 41 tables. ISBN 978-953-176-520-6.", Acta clinica Croatica, vol.50, br. 2, str. 303-304, 2011. [Online]. Dostupno na: [Citirano: 17.02.2025.]