Izvorni znanstveni članak
Vedrana Delonga
; Muzej hrvatskih arheoloških spomenika HR -Split 21 000
In this article the authoress ·analyzes glass finds from
The medliaeval glass dli!scovered. 10 date at Bribia." is classified wiltmn eight typological-srtyldstic 'llIIlMs, Itlhe prirnoi.opal part of whi:oh IDS composed of certaJin types of gla:sstable ware (glasses, fl.-a~), and the remailllder of window .glass and lamps-chandeliers. These are ,products of
The analysrliS of ·the Bmbirr glaJSS m'3liJn[y tindi:cated a Vene1Iian-Murano ol'igilll of the marteria! with 1lhe aha'I'aoter.iJstti:c types and stylistJi:c feart.'Ulres of this prooootion centre, si:miIlm-to fiiInds of medIiaeval .glazed po~tery at B11ibi'I'.
The -import of glass merchalIlđise from the Vene1IiiaIIJ. glass footuI1ies reflects the monopoly in producNon am:d e)Q}Xlrt held by Vene1IialIl"MUII'aIIlo WOI1kshops jn the region of the DOI1thern and centTad Awiatic, whOCh is diTeotly .related ·to the presence of the Vene1Iian republic lin ·this region during the 14th ·and 15th centw'1ies.
In the liramewoI1k of -the ,l:ively merchant activi1lies between Venioe and The Daimatian coastal ciJties alS weU as the other parts of »SclavilIlia«, :the glass goods were imported
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