Prethodno priopćenje
A Contribution to the Discussion on Extended Reproduction of an Individual Peasant Holding
Vlado Cvjetičanin
; Agrarni institut, Zagreb, Hrvatska - Jugoslavija
In Yugoslavia the individual peasant holding has been ternporally kept within the limits
that disable capitalistic accurnulation and from the standpoint of the long-term aims of the
agrartan policy it represents only a transitory stage in the process of the complete socialization
of agriculture. As it is considered that this transitory stage will last relatively long,
competent opinions are expressed lately about the necessity of studying and researching
the possibilities of extended reproduction of an individual peasant holding in Yugoslavia.
However, researches of this kind are in an initial stage, and the first resuits should be expected
only in the course of the next few years (Agrarian Institute - Zagreb, Institut of Agricultural
Economics - Belgrade).
The author of this article uses the results of the permanent survey of individual peasant
holdings carried out for more that ten years on the sample of 2.600 holdings by the Federal
Bureau of Statistics, and trys to establish some regularities in earning and spendings of
individual holdings. The main conclusions of the author are the fol!owing:
1. Money income of individual holdings as a who le and according to its sources (farms
and off farm income) has a tendency of permanent and rapid growth, especially the
money income from the holding.
2. Far larger investment in the household tha n in the holding is characteristic for the
money expenditure up to the 1962. After 1962 the relative growth of expenditure for the
holding, in relation to the basic index, surpassed the corresponding index of money expenditure
for the household (282 thousand to 245 thousand of old dinars in 1964.).
3. Out of the total money expenditure for the holding the author separately analyses two
items: money investiments in the current agriculturai production and gross investiments in
the holding and in connection with this he concludes:
• These expenditures taken absolutely were in a continual growth, but expenditures for
the current agriculturai production grew the most quickly and gross investments in the
holding alittle slower,
• The relative share of these two items in the total expenditure of the holding was decreasing
in spite of the increase of the nominal total money expenditure for the holding.
lt means that individual agriculturists were spending their incomes more for needs
of the household and standard and lessfor the holding as a productive (economic) unit.
4. Agricultural household in its consumption policy, gradually turns away from the land
and to agriculture attaches less and less importance, which means that the problem of the
decreased interest for holding really becomes acute.
The author separateiy analyses money expenditure of holdings according to the size of
theirIandestates and upon the conclusions derived from survey data he states possible
reasons for amore detailed research that should confirm or negate this problem.
Ključne riječi
individual peasant holding; extended reproduction; money income and expenditure
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