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Social Organization and Rural Social Change
Boguslaw Galeski
This article — in fact, the author’s paper presented on the Second World
Congress for Rural Sociology, held in Enschede, the Netherlands, August, 1968
— is republished from »Sociologia Ruralis«,i Vol. VIII, No. 3—4, 1968, pp. 256—281.
The subject of this paper is changes in the social organization of agriculture.
The term is understood as the partially open system of relations between the
farm, the family and the village community which determine rural life as a whole
sui generis. The main attetntion is directed to change in the organization bf agricultural
production. Besides the pre-peasant system of tilling the soil in some
isolated societies, five organizational types of agricultural production are dis.
tinguished. These are: the traditional peasant farm, the latifundial farm, the
modern family farm, the collective farm and the industrial farm. They aie described
as ideal types occupying extreme places on the scale.
An examination of the transformation of each of these types establishes the
unidirectional nature of change in the various courses of development. The direction
indicated is towards the industrial farm and modern family farm, tied,
however, in a number of relations with enterprises purchasing and processing
agricultural produce or providing productive services. The collective farm occupies
a distinct place here also. Depending on the conditions, it represents a transformation
of family farms or it is converted into such farms.
The transformation of agricultural organization finds expression in change
of the traits of the farm family, primarily in connection with the intensity and
character of its productive functions as a collective producer and entrepreneur.
Also connected with the organizational type of production are the changes in the
system of relations between the producing family and the village community, as
well as in its functions.
The system, farm-family-local community, is not a closed one; its transformations
depend on the social organization of society as a whole and on the
economic and political-administrative systems in particular.
The final consideration concers the perspective of further change in the
social organization of agriculture. The domination of two forms is anticipated,
namely, the industrial farm and the modern family farm. These are depicted as
operating in conjunction with enterprises processing and purchasing agricultural
produce, and those which render productive services — manufacturing types
of agricultural organization. Although these types, the second in particular, may
be projected into the future, they are so different in various general conditions
that a rather polymorphous agriculture is indicated in the future.
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