Review article
The beginnings of Croatian Romology: From Filip Ivan Vezdin to Franjo Fancev
Danijel Vojak
; Institut društvenih znanosti “Ivo Pilar”, Zagreb
Romology represents a scientific discipline which studies the history and the culture of the Roma people. With the first romological research studies published in the 16th century in Western Europe, the Croatian academics produced their first romological research papers in the second half of the 18th century. The linguistic research efforts of Filip Vezdin may thus be considered in such context: as he tried to prove the Indian origin of Roma, his contemporary Ivan Škrlec Lomnički analysed the situation of Roma in Hungary from the economic perspective. In the first half of the 19th century, Antun Mihanović pursued a linguistic analysis of the Romani language, while Spiridon Jović analysed the position of Roma on the territory of the Military Frontier in Croatia. In the second half of the 19th century, Mijat Stojanović published several ethnographic research papers, while the most prominent romologist of this period, Mara Čop Marlet, published her ethnographic research alongside dramaturgical and literary works of Roma. Moreover, Mara Čop Marlet inspired further interest for Roma by engaging researchers such as Franjo Kuhač and Emilij Laszowski who published the first Croatian historiographical study on Roma. Friedrich S. Krauss significantly contributed to the ethnographic research of Roma while Ivan Broz and Ljudevit Drašković analysed the Romani language. Ferdo Hefele studied Koritari as a special group of Roma of the Romanian origin. In addition, the Committee onFolklife and Customs of the Yugoslav Academy of Sciences and Arts promoted consistent ethnographic research in Croatia. Finally, the First World War marked the end of the first period of romological research in Croatia with the research efforts of Milan Mizler and Franjo Fancev.
Sažetak (romani čib):
I Romologia sar ulavdi sadžanipaski (džantripaski) disciplina dromardi si ko sikljovipa e sahnipaskoro katar i romani historia thaj kultura. O thanardipe e romane seliskoro (populaciakoro) ane europakere thema katar o XIV. šeliberš vazdinda thaj intereso e sažanutnengoro (džantrengoro) vašo rodljaripe savo sas phandlo e Romenca. Adžukhar e jekhto rodljaripaskere xramovipa vaši historia thaj kultura e Romengiri ikaldi si ano XVI. šeliberš thaj kodova ke lunale europakere rigakere rodljarutne. Ano dujto kotor e XVIII. šeliberšeskoro xramome si e jekhto rodljaripaskere xramovipa vaše Roma katar e individue save so sas kustikipastar Hrvatia vaj ano kodova vaxt dživdinenas ke reonoja katar e hrvatskakere phuva. Ano kodova konteksto šaj te oven dikhle e xramovipa save so dende o Filip Ivan Vezdin thaj o Ivan Škrlec Lomnički. Ano jekhto ekvašipe e XIX. šeliberšeskoro aven e xramome butja save so kerde o Antun Mihanović thaj Spiridon Jović, džikaj ano dujto ekvašipe e XIX. šeliberšeskoro dikhle si e zurarde rodljaripaskere interesia vašo rodljaripe e Romenge thaj kodova ko Mijat Stojanović, Mara Čop Marlet, Franjo Kuhač, Emilijo Laszowski, Friedrich S. Krauss, Ivan Broz, Ljudevit Drašković, Ferdo Hefele. E sistematikane etnografikane rodljaripa ko agor e XIX. šeliberšeskoro kerda i Komisia vašo selikano dživdipe thaj adetia e Jugoslaviakere akademiakoro vašo sadžanipe thaj arto, savate andre but rodljarutne sar so si Luka Lukić, Vatroslav Rožić thaj Vladimir Ardalić, dende but baro xaljovipe (haćaripe) e historiake, kulturake thaj čhibjake e Romengoro. O jekhto romologikano periodo ani Hrvatska agordja e Jekhto Dunjajakere maripasa thaj e xramovipasa katar o Milan Mizler thaj Franjo Fancev.
Roma; Romology; Croatia; history; scholarship (Roma; Romologia; Hrvatska; historia; sadžanipe)
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