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Intelligence Services in a Democratic Society: on the Reform of Intelligence Service System in the Republic of Croatia

Joško Badžim ; Joško Badžim, zamjenik predstojnika Ureda za nacionalnu sigurnost Republike Hrvatske

Puni tekst: hrvatski pdf 1.041 Kb

str. 1015-1052

preuzimanja: 2.863



The pa per dea ls wi th the re for med se cu ri ty-in tel li gen ce ser vi ce system in the Republic of Croa tia. The system is seen as a set of in ter re la ted pub lic bo dies that ma ke a re la ti ve ly au to no mous pa rt of the pub lic aut ho ri ty system and are an es sen tial pa rt of the na tio nal se cu ri ty system. The aut hor ana lyses its struc tu re,
ba sic con te nt and mea nin gs, its fun ctio ns, man ne rs and areas of ac ti vi ty co vered by in tel li gen ce ser vi ces, and the system of con trol and su per vi sion. All the ele men ts of the system ha ve been ana lysed throu gh the laws that show har mo nisation wi th the prin cip les on whi ch the ac ti vi ties of su ch in sti tu tio ns are ba sed in
de moc ra tic coun tries. The aut hor has es tab lis hed that by com pa ri ng Croa tian re gu la tio ns wi th si mi lar re gu la tio ns in cer tain ot her coun tries, wi th in ter na tio nal con ven tio ns, re com men da tio ns and di rec ti ves, as we ll as wi th the re le va nt scientific and pro fes sio nal li te ra tu re. The struc tu re of Croa tian in tel li gen ce ser vi ces is cha rac te ri sed by the mo del of in teg ra ted do mes tic and fo rei gn in tel li gen ce com po nen ts (se cu ri ty and in tel li gen ce com po nen ts) and by di vi sion to mi li ta ry and ci vil ser vi ces. In fun ctio nal sen se, ser vi ces are eit her in tel li gen ce-o rien ted or in for ma tio n-o rien ted. In do mes tic af fai rs, they do not ha ve rep res si ve or po li ce fun ctio ns and com pe ten ces (whi ch is in ac cor dan ce wi th the re le va nt in ter na tional re com men da tio ns and fa ci li ta tes the rea li sa tion of ob jec ti ves that in clu de com pre hen si ve un der co ver in tel li gen ce gat he ri ng on the sub jec ts threa te ni ng natio nal se cu ri ty). In fo rei gn or in tel li gen ce af fai rs, (un li ke ra re fo rei gn ser vi ces) they do not ha ve com pe ten ces to con du ct un der co ver ope ra tio ns and ot he rwi se in fluen ce fo rei gn sub jec ts in or der to pro te ct or rea li se na tio nal se cu ri ty in te res ts.
In for ma tion gat he ri ng pro cee din gs that in clu de par ti cu lar ly in tru si ve man ne rs of vio la ti ng ci ti ze ns’ pri va cy are a com pe ten ce of the Sup re me Cou rt as the highest cou rt in stan ce in the coun try. The in stru men ts of con trol over in tel li gen ce ser vi ces are mul ti di men sio nal and pro vi de for the ne ces sa ry de moc ra tic con trol
in se ve ral ways.

Ključne riječi

security-intelligence system – Croatia; intelligence services; national security

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