Filologija, No. 68, 2017.
Izvorni znanstveni članak
Contribution of the hymnographical lexis to the Dictionary of the macedonian recension of Church Slavonic
Макаријоска Лилјана
; Институт за македонски јазик „Крсте Мисирков“
The Dictionary of the Macedonian Recension of Church Slavonic shows the contribution of the hymnographical texts such as: Bitola, Zagreb, Šafarik, Orbele and Hludov Triodion, as well as the Vataša menology, which are distinctive by their specific stylistic and expression devices, lexical features, notional and figurative use of lexemes etc. They record lexemes which are not confirmed in the other Macedonian texts, for e.g.: весельнèкъ, мокрота, дебельство, собьствèе, Greek loanwords: аколоyтè˙, продромъ, соyдарь. The derivations with various prefixes and suffixes are important in the construction of verse structure, and the frequent use of the prefix прý- is considered menology specific feature: прýбогатьнъ, прýвысокъ, прýестьствьнъ, as well as of the prefix съ-: състрадатè, съоyбèтè, съоyкрýплýтè, combination of prefix and particle не-: неопалèмъ, прýнесквръньнъ, double prefixed verbs: прýдъèзрещè, прèсърýстè, съвъзèтè, compounds: благопокорьно, велегласьнъ, вьседýèствьнъ, вьселèкъствьнъ, добролèствьнъ, доброславьнъ, трьбогатьнъ, трьвелèкъ.
Ključne riječi
Church Slavic lexicography; hymnographical lexis; Triodion; Menology
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