Glasnik Zaštite Bilja, Vol. 42 No. 3, 2019.
Stručni rad
Cotton bollworm (Heliocoverpa armigera Hübner) important pest of tobacco in Herzegovina
Nino Rotim
; Federalni agromediteranski zavod, Mostar, Bosna i Hercegovina
For more than two centuries tobacco has been the dominant agricultural crop in Bosnia and Herzegovina. It has been traditionally produced in Herzegovina where it has been the most important economic activity for a long time. There is a large number of different harmful organisms that endanger tobacco production. Certain types of pests are attacking tobacco seedlings inside protected areas while some of them are limiting factor in its cultivation in the open field. In recent years in Herzegovina great damage to the tobacco cultivation in the open field is caused by caterpillars of cotton bollworm. Their mass phenomenon was observed in 2012. when great damage was recorded not only to tobacco but also to tomato and pepper plants. Cotton bollworm on tobacco destroys the vegetative mass reducing the income and quality of raw material. They especially do great damage to the generative bodies of tobacco and to the producers who try to preserve the seed needed to build production in the next vegetation.
Ključne riječi
cotton bollworm; tobacco; Herzegovina
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