Publication date: 31 December 2021
Volume: Vol 56
Issue: Svezak 2
Pages: 271-286
Izvorni znanstveni članak
Determinants of some pentadiagonal matrices
László Losonczi
; Faculty of Economics, University of Debrecen, 4032 Debrecen, Böszörményi u.138, Hungary
In this paper we consider pentadiagonal \((n+1)\times(n+1)\) matrices with two subdiagonals and two superdiagonals at distances \(k\) and \(2k\) from the main diagonal where \(1\le k < 2k\le n\). We give an explicit formula for their determinants and also consider the Toeplitz and “imperfect” Toeplitz versions of such matrices. Imperfectness means that the first and last \(k\) elements of the main diagonal differ from the elements in the middle. Using the rearrangement due to Egerváry and Szász we also show how these determinants can be factorized.
Determinants, Toeplitz matrix, pentadiagonal, tridiagonal matrices
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