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Publication date: 2021
Volume: 20
Issue: 36
New Undergraduate (Bachelor) University Study of Geodesy and Geomatics in Varaždin
Vlado Cetl
At the University North (, in the University Center Varaždin, the new undergraduate (bachelor) university study of geodesy and geomatics was launched in the academic year 2021/2022.
University North; university study of geodesy and geomatics
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At the University North (, in the University Center Varaždin, the new undergraduate (bachelor) university study of geodesy and geomatics was launched in the academic year 2021/2022 (Figure 1).
It is a new, innovative and unique study in Croatia in the STEM field that combines traditional geodesy with modern digital technologies and approaches in geomatics. The study program is interdisciplinary, which enables students to acquire knowledge from other disciplines, primarily construction, transport and the environment.
Teachers and associates of the University North in the Department of Geodesy and Geomatics (Figure 2) have many years of experience and knowledge in the areas of courses in which they teach. The approach with a lot of practical work and project-oriented study provides additional value to the students in acquiring necessary skills and competencies.
Modern instruments, sensors and equipment, software, modern lecture halls and computer rooms, competencies and knowledge of teachers ensure high quality of the study.
Na Sveučilištu Sjever, u Sveučilišnom centru Varaždin, pokrenut je u akademskoj godini 2021./2022. novi preddiplomski sveučilišni studij geodezije i geomatike (slika 1).
To je novi, inovativni i jedinstveni studij u Hrvatskoj iz STEM područja koji spaja tradicionalnu geodeziju sa suvremenim digitalnim tehnologijama i pristupima u geomatici. Studijski program je interdisciplinaran što omogućava studenticama i studentima stjecanje znanja iz drugih struka, ponajprije graditeljstva, prometa i okoliša.
Nastavnici i suradnici Sveučilišta Sjever na Odjelu za geodeziju i geomatiku (slika 2) imaju dugogodišnje iskustvo i znanje u područjima kolegija na kojima drže nastavu, a pristup s puno praktičnog rada i projektno orijentiranog studija daje dodatnu vrijednost pri stjecanju potrebnih vještina i kompetencija.
Moderni instrumentarij i oprema, softveri, suvremeno opremljene predavaonice i računaonice, kompetencije i znanje nastavnika osiguravaju visoku kvalitetu izvođenja studija.