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In memoriam, Obituary

Mithad Kozličić

Josip Faričić ; Sveučilište u Zadru, Odjel za geografiju Dr. Franje Tuđmana 24i, Zadar

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Employees and students of the University of Zadar were saddened by the news that Prof. Mithad Kozličić Ph.D. died in Bihać on 15 August 2021. This ended the fruitful life of a scientist and professor who with his results indebted the Zadar and the entire Croatian academic community. He passed away a month and a half before his well-deserved retirement and, unfortunately, with the unfulfilled honorary position of professor emeritus, which, in accordance with the decision of the Senate of the University of Zadar, he should have enjoyed after retirement.


Mithad Kozličić; in memoariam

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Mithad Kozličić (Zenica, 14 April 1954 – Bihać, 15 August 2021)

In memoriam

Employees and students of the University of Zadar were saddened by the news that Prof. Mithad Kozličić Ph.D. died in Bihać on 15 August 2021. This ended the fruitful life of a scientist and professor who with his results indebted the Zadar and the entire Croatian academic community. He passed away a month and a half before his well-deserved retirement and, unfortunately, with the unfulfilled honorary position of professor emeritus, which, in accordance with the decision of the Senate of the University of Zadar, he should have enjoyed after retirement.

Mithad Kozličić was born in Zenica (BH) on 14 April 1954. He grew up and completed his primary education in Bihać (BH). He attended high school in Pula and completed it in Divulje near Trogir (1969–1973). In Split, he studied at the Naval Military Academy, the nautical department (1974–1978), while at the same time studying at the Faculty of Philosophy in Zadar, in order to expand his own humanistic knowledge and insights.

After graduating, he sailed on various surface ships and submarines, while from 1986 to early 1991 he was the curator and deputy head of the Naval Museum in Split. Due to the possibility of teaching at the Naval Military Academy in Split, as a professor of naval military history, in the 1990/91 academic year he completed one-year additional andragogical-pedagogical training at that higher education institution. From 6 April to 25 July 1991, he was a professor of naval military history at the Naval Military Academy in Split. Due to the aggression of the Yugoslav People's Army on Slovenia, at his own request on moral grounds, he terminated his active service in the Yugoslav Navy on 26 July 1991. In that army he achieved the rank of corvette captain. By the decision of Admiral Sveto Letica, Commander of the Croatian Navy, on 28 September 1991, he was appointed director of the Naval Museum of the Croatian Navy in Split, with the task of making the necessary preparations for reorganizing the institution from military to civilian. He remained at that position until the end of April 1992. At the same time, he held the status of a member of the Croatian Navy. He was involved in organizing the defence of Split in September and October 1991.

He completed his postgraduate studies Cultural History of the Eastern Adriatic at the Dubrovnik Inter-University Centre for Postgraduate Studies, Faculty of Philosophy in Zagreb, by defending his thesis titled Historijska geografija istočne obale Jadrana u svjetlu kartografskih istraživanja Ptolemejeve Geografije (Historical Geography of the Eastern Adriatic Coast in Light of Cartographic Research of Ptolemy's Geography), achieving the scientific degree of Master of Historical Sciences (1984). His mentor was Professor Mate Suić. At the Faculty of Philosophy, University of Zagreb, he achieved the degree of Doctor of Historical Sciences by defending his dissertation Historijska geografija istočnog Jadrana u svjetlu rezultata istraživanja antičkih geografskih djela (Historical Geography of the Eastern Adriatic in Light of the Research Results of Ancient Geographical Works) under the mentorship of Professor Mate Suić (1988). In 1986 he was entered in the Register of Scientific Researchers, today the List of Scientific Workers of the Ministry of Science, Education and Sports (Zagreb) in the humanities scientific area, history scientific field, under registration number 147424. By the decision of the Faculty of Philosophy in Zadar, on 5 March 1992 he was elected into the scientific research profession as a research associate in the field of historical sciences. Shortly afterwards, he replaced military service with academic service. By the decision of the Faculty of Philosophy in Zadar, University of Split of 14 February 1994, he was elected into the scientific teaching position of associate professor in the field of historical science, while at the end of February 1994 he joined the History Department of the Faculty of Philosophy in Zadar, which was reorganized into the Department of History of the University of Zadar in 2003. By the decision of the Faculty of Philosophy in Zadar of 24 May 2000, he was appointed full professor in the scientific field of historical sciences at the History Department of this Faculty (teaching subject: Maritime History), and by the decision of the Senate of the University of Zadar, on 15 June 2005 he was elected into a scientific teaching position as full professor with tenure for the humanities scientific area, history scientificfield , branch: Croatian history.

Prof. Mithad Kozličić’s narrow area of scientific interest was maritime history, which he studied in correlation with historical geography, history of cartography and historical demography of the eastern Adriatic and the immediate coast. Until 1991, he mostly researched within ancient time determinants, and then expanded the time frames of his research approximately to the beginning of the 20th century. The reason for this is the fact that he was guided by the results of his research, as well as the needs of higher education. The achieved scientific results showed that such a commitment was possible and purposeful. Considering that the maritime history of the eastern Adriatic had not been systematically researched before, M. Kozličić set as his scientific and life goal to write an integral maritime history of this geographical complex and navigation basin. In order to achieve such a demanding goal, it was necessary to fulfil a number of requirements through the systematic scientific processing of various historical and maritime processes. In a scientific manner he dealt with the most important autochthonous ships, including the collection to which the local inhabitants (ancient sailors, and on their foundations, the Croats) gave their own contribution. The research of the maritime past necessarily led to the expansion of the discourse and concrete studies of various historical-geographical, historical-cartographic and historical-demographic topics. In addition to the Croatian coast, in recent years he focused on the area of Western Bosnia. He began to explore geostrategic relations that significantly influenced the functioning of the eastern Adriatic ports as trade bridges between the Mediterranean and the Dinaric and Danube areas.

He published 16 scientific books (four of them co-authored), prepared one and edited three scientific monographs. He published a total of 92 scientific papers and studies. His total bibliography, with professional papers, consists of 262 bibliographic units. He published in Croatian, English, Italian, German, Albanian and Slovenian languages, mostly in prestigious domestic and international journals. The same holds true of the publication of his books, one of which is printed in four languages, one in three languages, six in two languages, and the others in Croatian. Among his books, I would like to single out Istočni Jadran u Geografiji Klaudija Ptolemeja (1990), Historijska geografija istočnog Jadrana u starom vijeku (1990), Hrvatsko brodovlje / Croatian Shipping / Le navi croate (1993), Kartografski spomenici hrvatskog Jadrana (1995) and Istočni Jadran u djelu Beautemps-Beaupréa / Eastern Adriatic in the Work of Beautemps-Beaupré (2006). He also prepared for publication the great work Plovidbene značajke jadranskoga akvatorija u Marijenijevu "Peljaru Jadrana" iz 1830. godine" / Caratteristiche di navigazione delle acque dell'Adriatico nel "Portolano del Mare Adriatico" di Marieni del 1830 which he did not manage to “polish up” until the end. The manuscript has about 1000 pages. In these works, he was the first among Croatian scientists to systematically deal with the development of maritime affairs and maritime cartography in the Croatian part of the Adriatic.

Prof. M. Kozličić Ph.D. successfully applied the results of his research in teaching at all levels of higher education. During the 1981–1986 period in Pula he was engaged as a part-time teacher in two primary schools and at the same time in the Naval Teaching Centre. From 1 October 1990 to 5 April 1991, he was an external professor, and from 6 April 1991 to 25 July 1991 he was a full professor at the Naval Military Academy (Split). He taught Naval Military History to students. From 1 October 1992 to 27 February 1994, he was a part-time professor at the Faculty of Philosophy in Zadar, University of Split. He taught undergraduate history students Maritime History of the Croatian Adriatic and Historical Geography of the Mediterranean. From 28 February 1994 at the History Section of that faculty, and from 1 October 2003 at the Department of History of the University of Zadar he taught history students the courses Maritime History of the Croatian Adriatic, Historical Geography of the Mediterranean and History of Cartography. In addition, he was engaged as an external associate in the course Maritime History at the Faculty of Maritime Studies, University of Split, and at the Maritime College of the University of Split. He taught General Ancient History and the History of the Territory of Bosnia and Herzegovina in Ancient Times as an external associate at the Faculty of Education, University of Bihać from 1998/99 to 2000/01. At the same Faculty in the 2008/09 academic year, he taught History of Bosnia and Herzegovina. He was also a professor of History at the Teachers' College of the University of Split in the 1999/2000 and 2000/01 academic years. He gave numerous public popular science lectures at many institutions in Split, Osijek, Zagreb, Ljubljana, Sarajevo, Bihać, Kotor, Stuttgart, Zweibrücken and Tuzla, always on the results of certain aspects of his own scientific research.

In the 1995/96 academic year he was involved in the postgraduate master's study Cultural History of the Eastern Adriatic of the International Centre for Postgraduate Studies, University of Zagreb, based in Dubrovnik. He was the initiator and leader of the postgraduate master's and doctoral studies the Croatian Maritime History at the Faculty of Philosophy in Zadar, University of Split. In those studies, from the 1999/2000 academic year, he taught the core Maritime History course and several elective courses. From 2002 to 2005 he taught the History of Cartography course at the postgraduate master's and doctoral studies Geographical Basis of Littoralisation of Croatia, University of Zadar. With Prof. Damir Magaš Ph.D., he was the initiator of the launching of the postgraduate doctoral studies The Adriatic − a link between the continents at the University of Zadar (Department of History and Department of Geography). He prepared most of the preliminary research for this study, and then was the first head of the doctoral study with a mandate from the 2010/11 until the 2019/20 academic year. He was a professor of Croatian Maritime History at that study.

Prof. M. Kozličić was a mentor or commentator of 26 master's scientific and doctoral theses defended in postgraduate studies or outside them. He was also a mentor or a member of the evaluation committee for the written and oral part of the preparation and defence of numerous bachelor's and diploma theses and a member of the committee for the evaluation and defence of numerous master's theses and doctoral dissertations. He was a member of expert committees for the selection of numerous candidates for scientific and scientific-teaching positions in Croatia and in BH.

During his working life, he held various positions in professional and higher education institutions. He was the deputy director of the Naval Museum in Split from 1986 to 1991, and from September 1991 to the end of April 1992, he was the director of the Maritime Museum of the Croatian Navy. He was the head of the History Section at the Faculty of Philosophy in Zadar, University of Split in 2001/02 and 2002/03. With the reorganization of this higher education institution into the University of Zadar, continuously from 2003 to 2009, he was the head of the Department of History, in the 2009/10 academic year he was the acting head, and in the 2010/11 academic year until 2013/14 he was again the head of that Department. He represented the Department of History in the Senate of the University of Zadar for three terms.

Prof. M. Kozličić Ph.D. was a member of several professional and scientific associations: the Croatian Archaeological Society (Zagreb) since 1981, the Historical Society of Istria (Pula) and the Union of Croatian Historical Societies (Zagreb) since 1982, and the Croatian History Society since 1999, the Archaeological Society of Bosnia and Herzegovina (Sarajevo) since 1983, Croatian Society of Classical Philologists (Zagreb) since 1986, Literary Circle (Split) since 1989, Matrix Croatica, Maritime Section – Headquarters and Branch in Rijeka since 2004, Croatian Geodetic Society – Section for Cartography (Zagreb) since 1996. He was one of the founders and a long-time member of the Croatian Cartographic Society. He was vice-president of the Literary Circle (Split) from 1992 to 1998.

He received numerous awards and recognitions for his contribution to science. He won the first prize for science in 1991. This was the Slobodna Dalmacija annual award. He also received the "Strossmayer Award" (Zagreb) in 1994, the Bihać Municipality Award (BH) and the "Rector's Award" of the University of Zadar (Zadar) in 2004. He also received two recognition plaques: by the International Council of the International Research Centre for Archaeology of the University of Zagreb and Plaque of the National and University Library of Una-Sana Canton from Bihać (BH). On 18 December 2012, he became a full member of the Academy of Sciences and Arts of Bosnia and Herzegovina (Sarajevo).

Prof. M. Kozličić set high standards with his systematic and meticulous approach. Not only with his truly numerous scientific publications but also with his creative zeal as part of teaching at all levels of university studies, he encouraged younger scientists to make qualitative and innovative strides forward. This is his important scientific contribution to the development of maritime history, historical geography and the history of cartography as established scientific disciplines in Croatia, which is not measurable by bibliometric tools, but is woven into the work of many scientists.

His contributions to maritime history and the history of cartography are indispensable foundations for the study of these disciplines in Croatia, and of particular importance are his institutional contributions to the University of Zadar, not only in the positions he held, but primarily through dedicated work with students at all university levels of studies and through selfless dedication to younger generations of scientists. He rightly recognized the need to internationalize scientific and teaching activities by applying this important principle in the academic community, dealing with various historiographical perspectives of Adriatic Sea research as a medium of communication, exchange of ideas and technologies, people and goods through which Croatia grew into a Mediterranean economic and cultural area.

Mithad Kozličić (Zenica, 14. travnja 1954. – Bihać, 15. kolovoza 2021.)

In memoriam


Zaposlenike i studente Sveučilišta u Zadru zatekla je tužna vijest da je u Bihaću 15. kolovoza 2021. preminuo prof. dr. sc. Mithad Kozličić. Time je završio plodan životni put znanstvenika i profesora koji je svojim rezultatima zadužio zadarsku, ali i cijelu hrvatsku akademsku zajednicu. Preminuo je mjesec i pol dana prije zasluženog umirovljenja i, nažalost, s neostvarenom počasnom funkcijom professora emeritusa koju je, u skladu s odlukom Senata Sveučilišta u Zadru, trebao uživati nakon umirovljenja.

Mithad Kozličić rođen je u Zenici (BiH) 14. travnja 1954. Odrastao je i dobio osnovnoškolsko obrazovanje u Bihaću (BiH). Srednju školu polazio je u Puli, a dovršio u Divuljama pored Trogira (1969–1973). U Splitu je studirao na Mornaričkoj vojnoj akademiji, nautički smjer (1974–1978), a usporedo izvanredno i na Filozofskom fakultetu u Zadru radi proširenja vlastitih humanističkih znanja i spoznaja.

Nakon diplomiranja plovio je na različitim površinskim brodovima i podmornicama, a od 1986. do početka 1991. bio je kustos i zamjenik načelnika Vojnopomorskog muzeja u Splitu. Zbog mogućnosti nastavnog rada na Mornaričkoj vojnoj akademiji u Splitu, u svojstvu profesora vojnopomorske povijesti, u akademskoj 1990/91. završio je jednogodišnje dopunsko andragoško-pedagoško obrazovanje pri toj visokoškolskoj ustanovi. Od 6. travnja do 25. srpnja 1991. bio je profesor vojnopomorske povijesti na Mornaričkoj vojnoj akademiji u Splitu. Zbog agresije Jugoslavenske narodne armije na Sloveniju, na vlastito traženje iz moralnih pobuda, prekinuo je aktivnu službu u Jugoslavenskoj ratnoj mornarici 26. srpnja 1991. godine. U toj vojsci postigao je čin kapetana korvete. Odlukom admirala Svete Letice, zapovjednika Hrvatske ratne mornarice, 28. rujna 1991. imenovan je za ravnatelja Vojnopomorskog muzeja HRM-a u Splitu, sa zadaćom da se obave potrebne pripreme za preustroj te ustanove iz vojne u civilnu. Na toj funkciji ostao je do kraja travnja 1992. godine. Istodobno je imao status pripadnika HRM-a. Bio je uključen u organizaciju obrane Splita u rujnu i listopadu 1991. godine.

Poslijediplomski magistarski studij Kulturna povijest istočnog Jadrana završio je u dubrovačkom Interuniverzitetskom centru za poslijediplomski studij Filozofskog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu obranom magistarskog rada pod naslovom Historijska geografija istočne obale Jadrana u svjetlu kartografskih istraživanja Ptolemejeve Geografije, te postigao znanstveni stupanj magistra povijesnih znanosti (1984). Mentor mu je bio akademik Mate Suić. Na Filozofskom fakultetu Sveučilišta u Zagrebu postigao je znanstveni stupanj doktora povijesnih znanosti obranom disertacije Historijska geografija istočnog Jadrana u svjetlu rezultata istraživanja antičkih geografskih djela pod mentorstvom akademika Mate Suića (1988). Godine 1986. upisan je u Registar znanstvenih istraživača, danas Popisnik znanstvenih djelatnika Ministarstva znanosti, obrazovanja i sporta (Zagreb) u znanstvenom području humanističkih znanosti, znanstveno polje povijest, pod matičnim brojem 147424. Rješenjem Filozofskog fakulteta u Zadru od 5. ožujka 1992. izabran je u znanstveno-istraživačko zvanje znanstveni suradnik za znanstveno područje povijesnih znanosti. Nedugo zatim vojnu djelatnu službu zamijenio je akademskom službom. Odlukom Filozofskog fakulteta u Zadru Sveučilišta u Splitu od 14. veljače 1994. izabran je u znanstveno-nastavno zvanje izvanredni profesor za znanstveno područje povijesnih znanosti, pa se krajem veljače 1994. zaposlio na Odsjeku za povijest Filozofskog fakulteta u Zadru, koji je 2003. preustrojen u Odjel za povijest Sveučilišta u Zadru. Odlukom Filozofskog fakulteta u Zadru od 24. svibnja 2000. izabran je u zvanje redovitog profesora za znanstveno područje povijesnih znanosti na Odsjeku za povijest tog Fakulteta (nastavni predmet: Povijest pomorstva), a Odlukom Senata Sveučilišta u Zadru 15. lipnja 2005. izabran je u znanstveno-nastavno zvanje i na radno mjesto redovitog profesora u trajnom zvanju za znanstveno područje humanističkih znanosti, znanstveno polje povijest, grana hrvatska povijest.

Uže područje znanstvenog interesa prof. dr. sc. Mithada Kozličića bila je povijest pomorstva, koju je proučavao u korelaciji s historijskom geografijom, povijesti kartografije i povijesnom demografijom istočnog Jadrana i neposrednog zaobalja. Do 1991. pretežno je istraživao unutar starovjekovnih vremenskih odrednica, a zatim je proširio vremenske okvire istraživanja okvirno do početka 20. stoljeća. Razlog tome je činjenica je da su ga k tomu vodili rezultati istraživanja, a zatim i potrebe visokoškolske nastave. Ostvareni znanstveni rezultati pokazali su da je takvo opredjeljenje bilo moguće i svrhovito. S obzirom na to da povijest pomorstva istočnog Jadrana ranije nije bila sustavno istraživana, kao svoj znanstveni i životni cilj M. Kozličić postavio je pisanje integralne povijesti pomorstva toga geografskog kompleksa i navigacijskog bazena. Za ostvarenje tako zahtjevnog cilja bilo je nužno ostvariti niz pretpostavki sustavnom znanstvenom obradom raznolikih povijesno-pomorskih procesa. Znanstveno je obradio najznačajnije autohtono brodovlje, uključujući fundus kojem su domaći žitelji (starovjekovni pomorci, a na njihovim temeljima i Hrvati) dali vlastiti doprinos. Istraživanje pomorske prošlosti nužno je vodilo prema proširenju diskursa i konkretnih proučavanja različitih historijsko-geografskih, povijesno-kartografskih i povijesno-demografskih tema. Uz hrvatsku obalu u svoj fokus je posljednjih godina usmjerio i na prostor Zapadne Bosne. Počeo je istraživati geostrateške relacije koje su bitno utjecale na funkcioniranje istočnojadranskih luka kao trgovinskih mostova između Sredozemlja te dinaridskoga i podunavskoga prostora.


Objavio je 16 znanstvenih knjiga (od toga četiri u koautorstvu), priredio je jednu, a uredio tri znanstvene monografije. Objavio je ukupno 92 znanstvena rada i studija. Ukupnu bibliografiju, sa stručnim radovima, čine 262 bibliografske jedinice. Objavljivao je na hrvatskom, engleskom, talijanskom, njemačkom, albanskom i slovenskom jeziku ponajviše u prestižnim domaćim i međunarodnim časopisima. Slično je s nakladnicima njegovih knjiga, od koji je jedna tiskana četverojezično, jedna trojezično, šest dvojezično, a ostale na hrvatskom jeziku. Među njegovim knjigama izdvojio bih Istočni Jadran u Geografiji Klaudija Ptolemeja (1990), Historijska geografija istočnog Jadrana u starom vijeku (1990), Hrvatsko brodovlje / Croatian Shipping / Le navi croate (1993), Kartografski spomenici hrvatskog Jadrana (1995) i Istočni Jadran u djelu Beautemps-Beaupréa / Eastern Adriatic in the Work of Beautemps-Beaupré (2006). Za objavljivanje je priredio i veliko djelo Plovidbene značajke jadranskoga akvatorija u Marijenijevu "Peljaru Jadrana" iz 1830. godine" / Caratteristiche di navigazione delle acque dell'Adriatico nel "Portolano del Mare Adriatico" di Marieni del 1830 koje nije uspio do kraja „izbrusiti“, a u rukopisu ono ima oko 1000 stranica. U tim se djelima na poseban način, prvi među hrvatskim znanstvenicima, sustavno bavio razvojem pomorstva i pomorske kartografije na hrvatskom dijelu Jadrana.

Prof. dr. sc. M. Kozličić uspješno je primijenio rezultate svojih istraživanja u nastavu na svim razinama visokoškolskog obrazovanja. U razdoblju 1981–1986. u Puli je bio angažiran kao honorarni nastavnik u dvije osnovne škole te istodobno u Mornaričkom nastavnom centru. Od 1. listopada 1990. do 5. travnja 1991. bio je vanjski, a od 6. travnja 1991. do 25. srpnja 1991. stalni profesor na Mornaričkoj vojnoj akademiji (Split). Studentima je predavao Vojnopomorsku povijest. Od 1. listopada 1992. do 27. veljače 1994. bio je honorarni profesor na Filozofskom fakultetu u Zadru Sveučilišta u Splitu. Studentima dodiplomskog studija povijesti predavao je Povijest pomorstva hrvatskog Jadrana i Povijesni zemljopis Mediterana. Od 28. veljače 1994. na Odsjeku za povijest tog fakulteta, a od 1. listopada 2003. na Odjelu za povijest Sveučilišta u Zadru studentima povijesti predavao je kolegije Povijest pomorstva hrvatskog Jadrana, Historijsku geografiju Mediterana i Povijest kartografije. Uz to, bio je kao vanjski suradnik angažiran na kolegiju Povijest pomorstva na Pomorskom fakultetu Sveučilišta u Splitu, odnosno na Visokoj pomorskoj školi Sveučilišta u Splitu. Opću povijest starog vijeka i Povijest područja BiH u starom vijeku kao vanjski suradnik predavao je na Pedagoškom fakultetu Univerziteta u Bihaću od 1998/99. do 2000/01. godine. Na istom Fakultetu je akademske 2008/09. predavao Povijest Bosne i Hercegovine. Bio je i profesor Povijesti na Visokoj učiteljskoj školi Sveučilišta u Splitu 1999/2000. i 2000/01. akademske godine. Na mnogim ustanovama održao je brojna javna znanstveno-popularna predavanja u Splitu, Osijeku, Zagrebu, Ljubljani, Sarajevu, Bihaću, Kotoru, Stuttgartu, Zweibrückenu i Tuzli, uvijek o rezultatima pojedinih aspekata vlastitih znanstvenih istraživanja.

U akademskoj godini 1995/96. bio je angažiran na poslijediplomskom magistarskom studiju Kulturna povijest istočnog Jadrana Međunarodnog centra za poslijediplomske studije Sveučilišta u Zagrebu sa sjedištem u Dubrovniku. Bio je pokretač i voditelj poslijediplomskog magistarskog i doktorskog studija Povijest hrvatskog pomorstva na Filozofskom fakultetu u Zadru Sveučilišta u Splitu. Na tom studiju je od akademske 1999/2000. godine predavao temeljni kolegij Povijest pomorstva te više izbornih predmeta. Od 2002. do 2005. predavao je kolegij Povijesti kartografije na poslijediplomskom magistarskom i doktorskom studiju Geografske osnove litoralizacije Hrvatske Sveučilišta u Zadru. Uz prof. dr. sc. Damira Magaša bio je inicijator pokretanja poslijediplomskoga doktorskog studija Jadran – poveznica među kontinentima na Sveučilišta u Zadru (Odjel za povijest i Odjel za geografiju). Za taj studij izradio je najveći dio elaborata, a zatim je bio i prvi voditelj toga doktorskoga studija s mandatom od akademske godine 2010/11. do 2019/20. Na tom studiju bio je profesor Povijesti hrvatskog pomorstva.

Prof. dr. sc. M. Kozličić bio je mentor ili komentor 26 magistarskih znanstvenih i doktorskih disertacija obranjenih na poslijediplomskim studijima ili izvan njih. Također, bio je mentor ili član ocjenjivačkog povjerenstva za pismeni i usmeni dio izrade i obrane brojnih prvostupničkih i diplomskih radova te član povjerenstva za ocjenu i obranu brojnih magistarskih radova i doktorskih disertacija. Bio je član stručnih povjerenstva za izbor brojnih pristupnika u znanstvena i znanstveno-nastavna zvanja u Hrvatskoj te u BiH.

Tijekom radnog vijeka obnašao je različite funkcije u stručnim i visokoškolskim ustanovama. Bio je zamjenik načelnika Vojnopomorskog muzeja u Splitu 1986–1991. godine, a od rujna 1991. do kraja travnja 1992. bio je ravnatelj Pomorskog muzeja HRM. Bio je predstojnik Odsjeka za povijest Filozofskog fakulteta u Zadru Sveučilišta u Splitu 2001/02. i 2002/03. godine. Preustrojem te visokoškolske ustanove u Sveučilište u Zadru, u kontinuitetu od 2009. godine bio je pročelnik Odjela za povijest, akademske 2009/10. v.d. pročelnika, a akademskih godina 2010/11. do 2013/14. ponovno pročelnik tog Odjela. U više navrata predstavljao je Odjel za povijest u Senatu Sveučilišta u Zadru.


Prof. dr. sc. M. Kozličić bio je član više strukovnih i znanstvenih udruga: Hrvatskoga arheološkog društva (Zagreb) od 1981., Povijesnog društva Istre (Pula) i Saveza povijesnih društava Hrvatske (Zagreb) od 1982. odnosno, Društva za hrvatsku povjesnicu od 1999., Arheološkog društva Bosne i Hercegovine (Sarajevo) od 1983., Hrvatskoga društva klasičnih filologa (Zagreb) od 1986., Književnog kruga (Split) od 1989., Matice hrvatske, Sekcija za pomorstvo – Središnjica i Ogranak u Rijeci od 2004., Hrvatskoga geodetskog društva – Sekcija za kartografiju (Zagreb) od 1996. Bio je jedan od osnivača i dugogodišnji član Hrvatskoga kartografskog drušva. Bio je dopredsjednik Književnog kruga (Split) od 1992. do 1998.

Za doprinos u znanosti primio je brojne nagrade i priznanja. Prvu nagradu za znanost dobio je 1991. Riječ je o godišnjoj nagradi Slobodne Dalmacije. Dobio je i "Strossmayerovu nagradu" (Zagreb) 1994., Nagradu Općine Bihać (BiH) i "Rektorovu nagradu" Sveučilišta u Zadru (Zadar) 2004. Dobio je i dva priznanja: Spomenicu Međunarodnoga savjeta Međunarodnoga istraživačkoga centra za arheologiju Sveučilišta u Zagrebu i Plaketu Narodne i univerzitetske biblioteke Unsko-sanskog kantona iz Bihaća (BiH). Dana 18. prosinca 2012. postao je redoviti član Akademije nauka i umjetnosti Bosne i Hercegovine (Sarajevo).

Prof. dr. sc. M. Kozličić je svojom sustavnošću i pedantnošću postavio visoke standarde, a pritom je ne samo svojim doista brojnim znanstvenim publikacijama već i kreativnim žarom u sklopu nastave na svim razinama sveučilišnih studija, dao poticaj mlađim znanstvenicima za kvalitativne i inovativne iskorake. To je njegov važan znanstveni doprinos razvoju povijesti pomorstva, historijske geografije i povijesti kartografije kao etabliranih znanstvenih disciplina u Hrvatskoj koji nije mjerljiv bibliometrijskim alatima, ali je utkan u stvaralaštvo mnogih znanstvenika.

Njegovi su doprinosi povijesti pomorstva i povijesti kartografije nezaobilazni temelji za proučavanje tih disciplina u Hrvatskoj, a posebno su važni i njegovi institucijski doprinosi Sveučilištu u Zadru, ne samo na položajnim mjestima već ponajprije predanim radom sa studentima na svim sveučilišnim razinama studija i nesebičnim darivanjem mlađim naraštajima znanstvenika. S pravom je prepoznao potrebu internacionalizacije znanstvenih i nastavnih aktivnosti aplicirajući to važno načelo u akademskoj zajednici baveći se različitim historiografskim motrištima istraživanja Jadranskog mora kao medija komunikacije, razmjene ideja i tehnologija, ljudi i dobara putem kojega je Hrvatska srastala u mediteranski ekonomski i kulturni areal.