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EuroCarto 2022

Andrea Binn
Georg Gartner

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From the 19th to the 21st of September 2022, the Vienna University of Technology (TU Wien) hosted the 3rd European Cartographic Conference, EuroCarto 2022. The conference was endorsed by the International Cartographic Association (ICA) and jointly organized by the Research Unit Cartography at TU Wien, the German (DGfK), Austrian (ÖKK), Swiss (SGK) and British (BCS) Carto- graphic Societies. Sponsors were the Environmental Systems Research Institute (Esri), the Federal Of ice of Metrology and Surveying (BEV) and the University of Toronto Press Journals Division (UTP). The conference provided a forum for discussion, exchange, and research collaboration for cartographers and professionals in related disciplines.

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TU Wien; conference; ICA

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EuroCarto 2022

19 - 21 September 2022, Vienna

Prof. Georg Gartner at the EuroCarto 2022 reception ceremony (Photography courtesy of EuroCarto 2022 LOC). / Prof. Georg Gartner na svečanom prijemu konferencije EuroCarto 2022 (Fotografija EuroCarto 2022 LOC).

From the 19th to the 21st of September 2022, the Vienna University of Technology (TU Wien) hosted the 3rd European Cartographic Conference, EuroCarto 2022. The conference was endorsed by the International Cartographic Association (ICA) and jointly organized by the Research Unit Cartography at TU Wien, the German (DGfK), Austrian (ÖKK), Swiss (SGK) and British (BCS) Carto- graphic Societies. Sponsors were the Environmental Systems Research Institute (Esri), the Federal Of ice of Metrology and Surveying (BEV) and the University of Toronto Press Journals Division (UTP). The conference provided a forum for discussion, exchange, and research collaboration for cartographers and professionals in related disciplines.

Pre-conference workshops, meetings, and a reception ceremony kicked off Eurocarto 2022 on Sunday, prior to the main conference days. The reception was opened by Prof. Georg Gartner, conference head organizer and ICA Past President, who pointed out that cartography is highly relevant, contemporary and popular, as maps matter more and more in times of digitization and data everywhere. His words were followed by speeches from:

  • Prof. Johannes Böhm, Head of the Department of Geodesy and Geoinformation at TU Wien

  • Martin Polaschek, Federal Minister for Education, Science and Research

  • Cristina Fraile, the Spanish ambassador to Austria

  • the presidents of the Cartographic Societies, Wolfgang Kainz (ÖKK), Jochen Schiewe (DgfK), Mark Wigley (SGK) and Alex Kent (BGS)

  • Tim Trainor, ICA president and

  • Ulrich Freitag, professor emeritus at the Institute of Geographical Science, Berlin Free University.

Thomas Schulz, Secretary-General and Treasurer of ICA, closed the reception ceremony by awarding 31 early career scientists and professionals in cartography and GIScience and handing out scholarship certificates.

During the following days, 280 participants from 38 countries attended the conference in presence. EuroCarto 2022 featured 128 oral presentations in double-stream sessions and 35 poster presentations highlighting current research in cartography. The presentations explored topics such as Atlas Cartography, Cartographic Education, Perception and Cognition, Visualization and Design, and Collaborative Mapping, among others. Proceedings of the conference are published in an open- access issue of the Abstracts of the International Cartographic Association Series (Volume 5).

Besides the technical and scientific program, the conference offered social networking opportunities, including an ice-breaker reception at the opening ceremony, a conference dinner in an ancient Viennese cellar venue, and a farewell event. EuroCarto 2022 also featured side activities in cooperation with different institutions. Such as the exhibition "The Longest Voyage" presented by the Spanish Embassy, a guided visit to the "Tabula Peutingeriana", the only preserved map of the public road system of the late Roman Empire, at the National Library and the orienteering event "MapRun" close to the conference venue.

For more insights and pictures of the event, visit

Kartografske projekcije - praktični odabir, upotreba i aktualne smjernice istraživanja

19 - 21. rujna 2022, Beč


Od 19. do 21. rujna 2022. Tehničko sveučilište u Beču (TU Wien) bilo je domaćin 3. europske kartografske konferencije, EuroCarto 2022. Konferenciju je podržalo Međunarodno kartografsko društvo (ICA), a zajednički su je organizirali Istraživačka jedinica za kartografiju na TU Wien te njemačko (DGfK), austrijsko (ÖKK), švicarsko (SGK) i britansko (BCS) kartografsko društvo. Sponzori su bili Istraživački institut za sustave okoliša (Esri), Savezni ured za mjeriteljstvo i mjerenje (BEV) i University of Toronto Press Journals Division (UTP). Konferencija je omogućila forum za raspravu, razmjenu i istraživačku suradnju kartografima i stručnjacima iz srodnih disciplina.

Pretkonferencijske radionice, sastanci i svečano otvaranje započeli su Eurocarto 2022 u nedjelju, dan prije glavnih konferencijskih dana. Prijem je otvorio prof. Georg Gartner, glavni organizator konferencije i prethodni predsjednik ICA-e, koji je istaknuo da je kartografija vrlo relevantna, suvremena i popularna, budući da su karte sve važnije u vrijeme digitalizacije, a podatci prisutni posvuda. Nakon njegovih riječi uslijedili su govori:

  • Prof. Johannes Böhm, voditelj Odjela za geodeziju i geoinformacije na TU Wien

  • Martin Polaschek, federalni ministar za obrazovanje, znanost i istraživanje

  • Cristina Fraile, španjolska ambasadorica u Austriji

  • predsjednici kartografskih društava Wolfgang Kainz (ÖKK), Jochen Schiewe (DgfK), Mark Wigley (SGK) i Alex Kent (BGS)

  • Tim Trainor, predsjednik ICA-e i

  • Ulrich Freitag, professor emeritus u Institutu geografskih znanosti, Berlin Free University.

Thomas Schulz, glavni tajnik i blagajnik ICA-e, zaključio je svečani prijem dodijelivši priznanja 31 znanstveniku i stručnjaku na početku karijere iz kartografije i znanosti o GIS-u te uručio potvrde o stipendijama.

Sljedećih dana konferenciji je prisustvovalo 280 sudionika iz 38 zemalja. EuroCarto 2022 se sastojao od 128 usmenih prezentacija u dvostrukim sjednicama i 35 posterskih prezentcija koje su istaknule aktualna istraživanja u kartografiji. Prezentacije su se bavile temama kao što su atlasna kartografija, kartografsko obrazovanje, percepcija i spoznaja, vizualizacija i dizajn te suradničko kartografiranje, uz ostale. Zbornik radova s konferencije objavljen je u slobodnom izdanju Abstracts of the International Cartographic Association Series (Volume 5).

Osim tehničkog i znanstvenog programa, konferencija je ponudila prilike za društveno umrežavanje, uključujući domjenak za probijanje leda na svečanosti otvaranja, konferencijsku večeru u drevnom bečkom podrumu i oproštajni događaj. EuroCarto 2022 je također sadržavao popratne aktivnosti u suradnji s različitim institucijama kao što je izložba "Najdulje putovanje" koju je postavilo španjolsko veleposlanstvo, vođeni posjet "Tabula Peutingeriana", jedinoj sačuvanoj karti sustava javnih cesta kasnog Rimskog Carstva, u Nacionalnoj knjižnici i orijentacijsko događanje "MapRun" u blizini mjesta održavanja konferencije.

Za više detalja i slika s konferencije posjetite



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