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Map Projections - Practical Selection with Use and Current Research Directions

Sarah E. Battersby
Fritz C. Kessler

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The 2022 AutoCarto conference took place on November 1st - 4th. The conference venue was the campus of the Environmental Systems Research Institute (Esri) in Redlands, California. A pre-conference workshop titled "Map Projections - Practical Selection with Use and Current Research Directions" was organized by Sarah Battersby and Fritz Kessler and held on November 1st. There were 12 participants in attendance. Representatives from private industry, government, and academia were represented at the workshop.


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Map Projections - Practical Selection with Use and Current Research Directions

Workshop at the AutoCarto 2022


The 2022 AutoCarto conference took place on November 1st - 4th. The conference venue was the campus of the Environmental Systems Research Institute (Esri) in Redlands, California. A pre-conference workshop titled "Map Projections - Practical Selection with Use and Current Research Directions" was organized by Sarah Battersby and Fritz Kessler and held on November 1st. There were 12 participants in attendance. Representatives from private industry, government, and academia were represented at the workshop.

The workshop began with introductions of everyone in attendance. Then, time was devoted to the recognition and remembrance of Dr. E. Lynn Usery, a leading figure in the field of projections and a steadfast member of the ICA's Commission on Map Projections (

The workshop format was designed to facilitate discussion among the participants covering a range of projection topics. Out of that discussion, the following four topics served as the organizing framework used to report the ensuing discussion.

First, each participant mentioned what they felt were the important challenges when working with projections. Various topics were summarized that included the decisions needed to consider when selecting a projection, the confusing world of projection terminology, and understanding projection distortion.

Second, attention shifted toward exploring recent research and what it has revealed about peoples' cognitive understanding of projections. This discussion concluded that while recent research has been productive, there is still much work that needs to be done. One of the concerns discussed about recent research revealed that fundamental knowledge of projections is not well understood by both researchers (especially those without a cartographic background) and participants. This misunderstanding impacts how the research is developed and the kinds of tasks that are asked of the participants.

Third, discussion summarized the importance of projection education. One participant gave a presentation on the structure and topics of a course on projections that they teach. Special emphasis was placed on the details of the class assignments. They concluded their presentation with a demonstration of their hand-made illuminated globe. Inside the translucent globe, a light bulb was placed. When the light was illuminated, a piece of paper could be juxtaposed to the globe's surface. The shadows cast on the paper illustrated how the graticule and landmass would be projected. By changing the position and shape of the piece of paper, different arrangements of the graticule and landmass (i.e., projections) could be visualized.

Fourth, participants reviewed how the Commission on Map Projections could become more engaged in communicating information about projections to the broader scientific community via public outreach efforts. For example, one idea proposed was to produce a series of example map vignettes. These vignettes would explain the appropriateness of choosing a projection property for a given map purpose. Each vignette map pair would be illustrated by a side-by-side map comparison. One map would show a data set cast on an appropriate projection while the second map would show the same data set but would be cast on an inappropriate projection. Accompanying descriptive text would explain why one projection was appropriate and not the other. One outreach venue could be through the UCGIS (Geographic Information Science and Technology) Body of Knowledge (

Kartografske projekcije - praktični odabir, upotreba i aktualne smjernice istraživanja

Radionica uz AutoCarto 2022


Konferencija AutoCarto 2022. održana je od 1. do 4. studenoga 2022. Konferencija je održana u kampusu Instituta za istraživanje sustava okoliša (Esri) u Redlandsu u Kaliforniji. Pretkonferencijsku radionicu pod nazivom "Kartografske projekcije - Praktični odabir, upotreba i aktualne smjernice istraživanja" organizirali su Sarah Battersby i Fritz Kessler, a održana je 1. studenoga 2022. Bilo je nazočno 12 sudionika. Na radionici su bili zastupljeni predstavnici privatnih poduzeća, vlade i akademske zajednice.

Radionica je započela predstavljanjem svih prisutnih. Potom je vrijeme posvećeno sjećanju na dr. E. Lynna Useryja, vodeću osobu na području projekcija i nepokolebljivog člana Povjerenstva kartografske projekcije ICA- e (

Format radionice osmišljen je tako da omogući raspravu među sudionicima o nizu tema vezanih uz projekcije. Iz te su rasprave sljedeće četiri teme poslužile kao organizacijski okvir za izvještavanje o raspravi koja je uslijedila.

Najprije je svaki sudionik spomenuo ono što smatra važnim izazovima pri radu s projekcijama. Sažete su različite teme koje sadrže odluke koje je potrebno uzeti u obzir pri odabiru projekcije, zbunjujući svijet projekcijske terminologije i razumijevanje distorzija projekcija.

Drugo, pozornost se usmjerila prema istraživanju novijih istraživanja i onoga što je ono otkrilo o kognitivnom razumijevanju projekcija. Ta je rasprava zaključila da, iako su nedavna istraživanja bila produktivna, još uvijek ima puno posla koji treba obaviti. Jedna od zabrinutosti o kojoj se raspravljalo otkrila je da temeljno znanje o projekcijama ne razumiju dobro ni istraživači (posebno oni bez kartografskog znanja) ni sudionici. Taj nesporazum utječe na razvoj istraživanja i na vrste zadataka koji se postavljaju sudionicima.

Treće, rasprava je sažela važnost obrazovanja o projekcijama. Jedan je sudionik održao prezentaciju o strukturi i temama kolegija o projekcijama koji predaju. Poseban naglasak stavljen je na detalje razrednih zadaća. Svoju prezentaciju zaključio je demonstracijom vlastite ručne izrade svjetlećeg globusa. Unutar prozirne kugle postavljena je žarulja. Kad bi se svjetlo upalilo, komad papira mogao bi se postaviti pored površine globusa. Sjene bačene na papir ilustrirale su kako će se projicirati rešetka i kopnena područja. Promjenom položaja i oblika komada papira mogli su se vizualizirati različiti rasporedi rešetke i kopnenih područja (tj. projekcije).

Četvrto, sudionici su razmotrili mogućnost većeg angažmana Povjerenstva za kartografske projekcije u prenošenju informacija o projekcijama široj znanstvenoj zajednici. Na primjer, jedna predložena ideja bila je proizvesti niz primjera kratkih opisa karata. Ti bi opisi objasnili prikladnost odabira svojstva projekcije za danu svrhu karte. Svaki par opisa karata bio bi ilustriran međusobnom usporedbom dviju karata. Jedna bi karta prikazivala skup podataka prikazan u odgovarajućoj projekciji, dok bi druga karta prikazivala isti skup podataka, ali prikazan u neprikladnoj projekciji. Popratni opisni tekst objasnio bi zašto je jedna projekcija prikladna, a druga nije. Jedno mjesto za širenje moglo bi biti kroz Tijelo znanja UCGIS-a (Geographic Information Science and Technology Body of Knowledge) (



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