Izlaganje sa skupa
Determination of beginning of death, transplantation oflimbs
Antun Bačić
The people who wait consciously for death, go through a few
psychological phases, from isolation, anger, guessing with destiny, tili
the phase depression when defensive mechanisms weaken. Those
who die of malignant diseases in the terminal phase may have strong
pains. The society has not got yet organized sanitary service for
palliative help, so many patients suffer from unbearable pain. The
man does not deserve euthanasia and if palliative help is well
organized then euthanasia will not be necessary to introduče.
In the text criterion for ascertaining of death is described. After
many discussions between neurosurgeons, theologians, anesthesiologist a stand has been taken that death of the man is determined by death of his brain, though same members can still function by the artificial help. There are a few declarations and criterion about ascertainment of death of the brain as: Declaration from Sidney, Harvard's criterion and British criterion. Ali these declarations and criterion describe procedures by which death of brain is shown.
Besides the elinical medical findings there are also objective
laboratory tests, because of that from founding these criterion in
medical literature is not described any case about making a wrong
diagnosis of the brain death. After ascertaining the death of brain by
exact methods the members can be taken from the death person,
from his body that still function on artificial way because of
tr ansplantation.
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