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Original scientific paper

A Zincian Chrome-Spinel from the Cr-Ba-Fe-Cu-Zn Deposit near Busovaca (Bosnia and Herzegovina)

I. Jurković
M. Jakšić

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page 83-102

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The metamorphic complex of the Busovaca area is mostly composed of Upper Silurian-Lower Devonian metapelites, metapsammites and metarhyolites formed under low grade metamorphism at 350° to 450°C and 3 to 5 kbars. The ore minerals of the Busovaca deposit are: magnetite (with relics of zincian chrome-spinel), rimmed by ferrichromite, and pyrite, chalcopyrite, enargite, bornite and siegenite. The gangue minerals are: siderite, quartz, albite, hyalophane, muscovite, chromian-chlorite and manganoan ankerite. Proton microprobe analyses (PIXE) were made of samples A (core Ac of the slightly altered chrome-spinel), B (strongly altered chrome-spinel with Bc-core, Bfc-ferrichromite zones, Br-magnetite rim) and C (cryptically zoned magnetite with Cc-core and Cr-magnetite rim). The results are recalculated in formulae, and presented on separate diagrams.

The optical investigations, microprobe analyses, beam-scan photographs, diffusion rates of Mg, Al, Zn, Cr, and Mn, and diagrams, allow the following conclusions to be made: (1) magmatic origin of the primary chrome-spinel, (2) the emplacement of the Zn was prior to the alteration under very low f02, most probably synchronous with the sulphide mineralization; (3) the alteration process took place in two phases: (a) the early stage volume-for-volume replacement and formation of the ferrichromite and magnetite zones, (b) the late stage characterized by decolourization and/or resorption, and/or dissolution of the core (patches, specks, “atoll structure”); (4) released Al, Cr, Mn, and Zn have been taken up by silicate, carbonate and oxide minerals forming chromian-chlorite, manganoan ankerite or contaminated siderite and pyrite; (5) the diffusion rates among Al, Zn, Cr, and Mn during different stages of the alteration have the following sequence: Al - Zn - Cr - Mn; (6) the optically unzoned magnetite crystals or aggregates originated in chrome-spinel; (7) the mineral assemblage of the Busovaca deposit co-exists with the surrounding metamorphic complex belonging to the greenschist facies.


Zincian chrome-spinel; Composition; Genesis; Alteration; Busovaca; Bosnia

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