Željka Kordej-De Villa
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APA 6th Edition
Kordej-De Villa, Ž. (2012). Complex Evolutionary Dynamics in Urban-Regional and Ecologic-Economic Systems: From Catastrophe to Chaos and Beyond, John Barkley Rosser, Jr., Berlin: Springer, 2011, VII + 320 str.. Privredna kretanja i ekonomska politika, 22 (131), 91-109. Retrieved from https://hrcak.srce.hr/85015
MLA 8th Edition
Kordej-De Villa, Željka. "Complex Evolutionary Dynamics in Urban-Regional and Ecologic-Economic Systems: From Catastrophe to Chaos and Beyond, John Barkley Rosser, Jr., Berlin: Springer, 2011, VII + 320 str.." Privredna kretanja i ekonomska politika, vol. 22, no. 131, 2012, pp. 91-109. https://hrcak.srce.hr/85015. Accessed 18 Dec. 2024.
Chicago 17th Edition
Kordej-De Villa, Željka. "Complex Evolutionary Dynamics in Urban-Regional and Ecologic-Economic Systems: From Catastrophe to Chaos and Beyond, John Barkley Rosser, Jr., Berlin: Springer, 2011, VII + 320 str.." Privredna kretanja i ekonomska politika 22, no. 131 (2012): 91-109. https://hrcak.srce.hr/85015
Kordej-De Villa, Ž. (2012). 'Complex Evolutionary Dynamics in Urban-Regional and Ecologic-Economic Systems: From Catastrophe to Chaos and Beyond, John Barkley Rosser, Jr., Berlin: Springer, 2011, VII + 320 str.', Privredna kretanja i ekonomska politika, 22(131), pp. 91-109. Available at: https://hrcak.srce.hr/85015 (Accessed 18 December 2024)
Kordej-De Villa Ž. Complex Evolutionary Dynamics in Urban-Regional and Ecologic-Economic Systems: From Catastrophe to Chaos and Beyond, John Barkley Rosser, Jr., Berlin: Springer, 2011, VII + 320 str.. Privredna kretanja i ekonomska politika [Internet]. 2012 [cited 2024 December 18];22(131):91-109. Available from: https://hrcak.srce.hr/85015
Ž. Kordej-De Villa, "Complex Evolutionary Dynamics in Urban-Regional and Ecologic-Economic Systems: From Catastrophe to Chaos and Beyond, John Barkley Rosser, Jr., Berlin: Springer, 2011, VII + 320 str.", Privredna kretanja i ekonomska politika, vol.22, no. 131, pp. 91-109, 2012. [Online]. Available: https://hrcak.srce.hr/85015. [Accessed: 18 December 2024]