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  • Publication date: 22.12.2014.
  • Published on HRČAK: 23.12.2014.

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Full text

Papa Franjo isusovcima (page 431-433)


Anzelm's »Intellectus Fidei« with a Review of »Cur Deus homo« (page 446-446)

Ivica Raguž
Original scientific paper

The Political Communication through The Internet – Functional and Moral Dimension (page 460-460)

Predrag Haramija
Original scientific paper

Nozick's Solution for Achieving General Justice (page 470-470)

Jasenka Frelih
Review article

Credibility of The Church and Category of The Sanctity (page 483-483)

Anđelko Domazet
Review article

Cremation in the Bible and in Jewish law (page 496-496)

Kotel DaDon
Review article

Twelve-Step Program as a Response to Contemporary Addictive Behaviors (page 508-508)

Antun Volenik
Review article

The Consideration of The Education according to John Locke (page 521-521)

Petar Jakopec
Professional paper

Heretofore Unknown Facts Concerning the Well-Known – The Jesuits in Bosnia (page 542-542)

Valentin Miklobušec
Review article

Filozofsko utemeljenje odgoja za zrelu osobnost (page 543-549)

Ivan Šestak

Ivan Duns Škot, Sloboda uzvišenija od nužnosti (page 553-555)

Goran Stanić
Case report

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