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  • Publication date: 29.12.2014.
  • Published on HRČAK: 29.12.2014.

Table of contents

Full text

Seaport cluster labour cost reduction – a modelling approach (page 103-110)

Tijan Edvard, Saša Aksentijević, Bojan Hlača
Review article

Adaptive maritime domain planning model: Transferable fishing concessions in Croatia (page 111-117)

Davor Mance, Borna Debelić, Nenad Vretenar
Preliminary communication

Ship’s cargo handling system with the optical fiber sensor technology application (page 118-127)

Renato Ivče, Irena Jurdana, Serđo Kos
Review article

Competitive sustainability of a transport route in the transport service market (page 128-136)

Tanja Poletan Jugović, Marija Šimić Hlača, Dražen Žgaljić
Review article

Understanding the role of context in shaping the development of business systems (page 137-144)

Danijela Sokolić, Marija Kaštelan Mrak, Jana Katunar
Preliminary communication

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