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  • Publication date: 15.03.2015.
  • Published on HRČAK: 30.03.2015.

Table of contents

Full text

Foreword by Ivanka Stričević*, guest editor (page 1-0)

Ivanka Stričević

Informacijsko ponašanje znanstvenika (page 0-0)

Polona Vilar
Conference paper

Psychological aspects of literacy (page 41-53)

Livija Knaflič
Conference paper

Postmodern theories about readers in electronic environment (page 73-81)

Ivanka Kuić
Conference paper

Change of the reading paradigm in the age of e-book (page 83-91)

Vita Mozuraite
Conference paper

Learning in the e-environment: new media and learning for the future (page 93-103)

Milan Matijević
Conference paper

Information behaviour of university students: a literature review (page 105-118)

Dora Rubinić
Conference paper

Students' information behaviour and the role of academic library (page 119-139)

Darko Lacović
Conference paper

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