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  • Publication date: 28.12.2015.
  • Published on HRČAK: 28.12.2015.

Table of contents

Full text

Measuring societal value of tourism: A new approach (page 423-434)

Iveta Fodranova, Viera Kubičková, Anna Michalková
Original scientific paper

Forecasting tourist arrivals to Turkey (page 435-445)

Engin Yilmaz
Original scientific paper

The effects of family support and work engagement on organizationally valued job outcomes (page 447-464)

Osman M. Karatepe
Original scientific paper

Recreationist perspectives, attitudes, and perceptions towards national park management in Sri Lanka (page 497-514)

Priyan Perera, Madusha C. Senevirathna, Richard P. Vlosky
Original scientific paper

Dynamic pricing and customers' perceptions of price fairness in the airline industry (page 515-528)

Vatroslav Škare, Dino Gospić
Review article

Bibliography - selected papers (page 530-555)

Blaženka Vrdoljak Šalamon, Ksenija Tokić

Supplement : Annual indexes (page 0-0)

Blaženka Vrdoljak Šalamon, Ksenija Tokić

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