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  • Publication date: 01.09.2016.
  • Published on HRČAK: 22.09.2016.

Table of contents

Full text

Editorial for the special issue: “Novel solutions or novel approaches in Operational Research” (page 1-4)

Ksenija Dumičić, Lidija Zadnik Stirn, Janez Žerovnik

Use of Constraints in the Hierarchical Aggregation Procedure Intramax (page 5-22)

Samo Drobne, Mitja Lakner
Original scientific paper

Dealing with Interpretability Issues in Predicting Firm Growth: Factor Analysis Approach (page 23-34)

Ana Bilandžić, Marina Jeger, Nataša Šarlija
Original scientific paper

Multiple-perspective Reorganisation of the Dairy sector: Mathematical Programming Approach (page 35-48)

Tina Kocjančič, Jaka Žgajnar, Luka Juvančič
Original scientific paper

Pseudoproduction, Pseudocost and Profit Functions in Monopoly from the Dual Perspective (page 49-64)

Ilko Vrankić, Mira Krpan
Original scientific paper

Application of the Nonparametric DEA Meta-frontier Approach with Undesirable Outputs in the Case of EU Regions (page 65-77)

Jana Hančlová, Lukáš Melecký
Original scientific paper

Dynamic Portfolio Selection on Croatian Financial Markets: MGARCH Approach (page 78-90)

Tihana Škrinjarić, Boško Šego
Original scientific paper

Intracluster Homogeneity Selection Problem in a Business Survey (page 91-103)

Berislav Žmuk
Original scientific paper

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