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Geofizika , Vol. 20 No. 1, 2003.

  • Publication date: 01.12.2003.
  • Published on HRČAK: 07.11.2007.

Table of contents

Full text

The impact of emissions from the Šoštanj thermal powerplant on winter SO2 pollution in Central Europe (page 1-21)

Danijel Čemas, Jože Rakovec
Original scientific paper

Mesoscale airflow structure over the northern Croatian coast during MAP IOP – a major bora event (page 23-61)

Zvjezdana Bencetić Klaić, Danijel Belušić, Vanda Grubišić, Lada Gabela, Ladislav Ćoso
Original scientific paper

Determining wind gusts using mean hourly wind speed (page 63-74)

Lidija Cvitan
Original scientific paper

Main characteristics of sea/land breezes along the eastern coast of the Northern Adriatic (page 75-92)

Maja Telišman Prtenjak
Preliminary communication

Statistical approach to wind induced currents in the Northern Adriatic (page 93-104)

Valter Krajcar
Original scientific paper

(page 105-114)

Climatology of geostrophic currents in the Northern Adriatic (page 105-114)

Valter Krajcar
Short communication, Note

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