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Journal of Energy : Energija , Vol. 62 No. 1-4, 2013.

  • Publication date: 31.07.2017.
  • Published on HRČAK: 20.04.2018.

Table of contents

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(page 0-0)

Dubravko Pevec, Davor Gegić

Liquid-salt-cooled Reactor Start-up with Natural Circulation (page 0-0)

Emilien Gros, Bojan Petrović, Davor Grgić
Original scientific paper

Full Core Criticality Modeling of Gas-Cooled Fast Reactor using the SCALE6.0 and MCNP5 Code Packages (page 0-0)

Mario Matijević, Dubravko Pevec, Krešimir Trontl, Radomir Ječmenica
Original scientific paper

Full Core Criticality Modeling of Gas-Cooled Fast Reactor using the SCALE6.0 and MCNP5 Code Packages (page 0-0)

Mario Matijević, Dubravko Pevec, Krešimir Trontl, Radomir Ječmenica
Original scientific paper

24-Month Operating Cycle Containing Gadolinium Integral Burnable Absorbers for NPP Krško (page 0-0)

Krešimir Trontl, Dubravko Pevec, Tomislav Belavić
Original scientific paper

Monte Carlo Codes for Neutron Buildup Factors (page 0-0)

Krešimir Trontl, Dubravko Pevec, Mario Matijević Matijević
Original scientific paper

Criticality Safety Analysis of Spent Fuel Storage Pool for NPP Mochovce using MCNP5 Code (page 0-0)

Ján Haščík, Gabriel Farkas, Jakub Lüley, Branislav Vrban, Róbert Hinca, Martin Petriska, Vladimír Slugeň, Jozef Lipka
Original scientific paper

Validation of EOPs/FRGs Procedures Using LOHS Scenario (page 0-0)

Damir Konjarek, Josip Vuković, Tomislav Bajs
Original scientific paper

On the Estimation and Reduction of the Frequency of the Loss of Offsite Power Event (page 0-0)

Hrvoje Grganić, Zdenko Šimić
Original scientific paper

Risk Impact of Maintenance and Other Activities with Regard to Plant Areas (page 0-0)

Ivan Vrbanić, Ivica Bašić
Original scientific paper

Future without Nuclear Energy; is it Feasible, is it Sensible? (page 0-0)

Vladimir Knapp, Dubravko Pevec
Original scientific paper

BETHSY 9.1b test calculation with TRACE using 3D vessel component (page 0-0)

Andrej Prošek,, vidiu-Adrian Berar
Original scientific paper

Identification of Limiting Case Between DBA and SBDBA (CL Break Area Sensitivity): A New Model for the Boron Injection System (page 0-0)

R. Gonzales, A. Petruzzi, F. D’Auria, O. Mazzantini
Original scientific paper

Nuclear Fuel Modelling During Power Ramp (page 0-0)

Federico Cantini,, Martina Adorni,, Francesco D’Auria
Original scientific paper

Analysis of Rod Withdrawal at Power (RWAP) Accident using ATHLET Mod 2.2 Cycle A and RELAP5/mod 3.3 Codes (page 0-0)

Vesna Benčik, Nikola Čavlina, Davor Grgić
Original scientific paper

Aging of Power Cables in Nuclear Power Plant due to Influence of Local Temperature Conditions (page 0-0)

Irena Jakić, Nenad Debrecin
Original scientific paper

Comparison of the SCALE, SERPENT and MCNP Criticality Safety Calculation of the NPP Krško Spent Fuel Pool (page 0-0)

Marjan Kromar, Bojan Kurinčič
Original scientific paper

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