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  • Publication date: 01.03.2021.
  • Published on HRČAK: 02.03.2021.

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The first analysis of heavy metals in the Grey Heron Ardea cinerea feathers from the Croatian colonies (page 7-25)

Dora Bjedov, Alma Mikuška, Mirna Velki, Zdenko Lončarić, Tibor Mikuška
Original scientific paper

Climate change and the spring migration of the European Serin Serinus serinus (page 26-33)

Zdravko Dolenec
Original scientific paper

Ptice gnjezdarice Paluda, Istra (page 34-41)

Louie Thomas Taylor, Sanjin Hadžalić, Katarina Horvat, Luka Lelas
Original scientific paper

The first nesting attempt of the Common Redshank, Tringa totanus, in the Kopački rit Nature Park (page 42-44)

Tibor Mikuška, Alma Mikuška, Adrian Tomik
Short communication, Note

Possible breeding of the Collared Pratincole Glareola pratincola in Croatia (page 51-54)

Wolfgang Lissak
Short communication, Note

The first breeding of the Common Gull, Larus canus, in Croatia (page 55-57)

Luka Jurinović, Miloš Martinović
Short communication, Note

Jesensko ili zimsko gniježđenje male ušare Asio otus na području Slavonije (Istočna Hrvatska) (page 58-61)

Josip Ledinšćak, Dora Dvoržak
Short communication, Note

Izvještaj - Drugi skup prstenovača Hrvatske (page 62-71)

Davor Ćiković

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