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  • Publication date: 09.02.2022.
  • Published on HRČAK: 09.02.2022.

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Full text

Božji vrtlar: Uz 200. obljetnicu rođenja Gregora Mendela (page 3-6)

Krešimir Cerovac

Fatalizam, predznanje i slobodna volja (page 7-17)

Madhu Mangal Chaturvedi
Original scientific paper

On the Jewish–Christian Dialogue in the Encounter between Pharisaic and Jesus’ Ethics (page 19-33)

Ljudevit Fran Ježić
Original scientific paper

The Risk (COVID–19) Society — Between Instrumental and Axiological Rationality (page 49-64)

Stipe Tadić, Erik Brezovec, Iva Tadić
Original scientific paper

The Child’s Right to Education in Canonical and International Legislation (page 65-77)

Klara Ćavar, Marija Džinić
Review article

Old Testament Law: The Great Sanhedrin as the Supreme Court (page 79-91)

László Heka
Review article

Matošev, pa zato i hrvatski Beograd (page 123-128)

Nenead Prokić

Martin Maier, Pedro Arrupe: svjedok i prorok (page 131-132)

Stanko Perica
Case report

Obnovljeni Život 77(1) (page 0-0)

Obnovljeni Život

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