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  • Publication date: 07.04.2022.
  • Published on HRČAK: 07.04.2022.

Table of contents

Full text

The Role of Social Support and Insight into the Self–Stigmatization of Persons Suffering from Schizophrenia (page 153-166)

Matea Jukić, Anamarija Bogović, Ljiljana Pačić–Turk
Original scientific paper

Elements of Kant’s Transcendental Aesthetics in Einstein’s Theory of Relativity (page 181-192)

Barbara Ćuk, Damjan Abou Aldan
Preliminary communication

Neodrživost anarhističkoga opravdanja terorizma (page 193-205)

Stipe Buzar, Karlo Seke
Review article

Human Dignity and the End of Life (page 235-248)

Luka Poslon
Review article

The Origin of the Krsna Slava Custom among Dalmatian Catholics (page 249-262)

Ivo Mišur
Review article

Zaustavite se! (page 263-263)

Antonio Spadaro

Dvovrsni pogled na svetkovinu Duha Svetoga (page 265-268)

Marko Matić

Romano Guardini, Prihvaćanje samoga sebe (page 271-274)

Ante Bekavac
Case report

Petar Bašić, Bartol Kašić prevoditelj (page 274-276)

Ivana Kresnik
Case report

Ružica Martinović–Vlahović, Zemaljski i nebeski grad (page 278-279)

Vlasta Markasović
Case report

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