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  • Publication date: 23.10.2022.
  • Published on HRČAK: 28.10.2022.

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Rey-Osterrieth Complex Figure Test in Differentiating Between Left and Right Lesions Caused by Brain Tumors and Stroke (page 161-174)

Slavka Galić, Krunoslav Matešić, Borislav Vuković
Original scientific paper

Assessment of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorders and its Associations with Suicidal Behaviour among Adults Following Movement Control Order During COVID-19 Pandemic in Malaysia (page 175-186)

Thin Mon Kyaw, Mohd Hayrie Mohd Hatta, Maung Maung Soe, Myat Thida Win, Ye Wint Kyaw, Ummarul Nazhan Adiel Bin Mohd Noh, Nur Atiroh Binti Mohamad Fadzil, Nur Natasha Syahira Binti Shahrunniza, Riganeswary Ganeswaran, Umamaheswari Gunasegaran, Shamila Binti Mohd
Original scientific paper

Prevalence of Depression and its Associated Factors Among Adults during Third Wave of COVID-19 Pandemic in Malaysia, 2021 (page 187-200)

Thin Mon Kyaw, Tajmul Tajudin, Soe Soe Aye, Maung Maung Soe, Nay Linn, Myat Thida Win, Ye Wint Kyaw, Deborah Anak Fo Ming, Stephanie Fernandez Nelson Fernandez, Colin Cornelius Pereira Johnson, Agkesh Qumar Thivakaran
Original scientific paper

Burnout Syndrome in Psychiatrists in Slovakia: A National Survey (page 201-212)

Eva Morovicsová, Lenka Valuš
Original scientific paper

The Effect of Sense of Failure and Alexithymia on Perceived Temptation in Substance Users (page 213-220)

Zahra Ghiasi, Fatemeh Tarighi, Sedigheh Moallemi
Original scientific paper

Female Renal Donors: Impact of Donation on Anxiety, Depressive Symptoms and Quality of Life (page 221-230)

Vikas Gaur, Geetika Chopra
Original scientific paper

A Cross Sectional Study of Psychiatric Morbidity and Quality of Life in Vitiligo Patients (page 231-242)

Pallavi Abhilasha, Vimalanathane Panneer Selvam, Thenmozhi Lakshmanamoorthy, Arul Saravanan Ramachandran
Original scientific paper

The Relationship Between Appearance Satisfaction and Self-Esteem Among High School Students in Eastern Croatia (page 243-254)

Dubravka Holik, Andrea Milostić Srb, Boris Dumenčić, Zvonimir Bosnić, Bruno Popić, Ljiljana Trtica Majnarić
Original scientific paper

Comparing the Sensitivity and Specificity of Wilson-Sims Fall Risk Assessment Tool, Clinical Judgment and Morse Fall Scale in the Assessment of Fall Risk among Psychiatric Inpatients (page 279-286)

Ruzita Jamaluddin, Ooi Yit Tyse, Aimi Izwani Mohd Nazli, Munirah Syakirah Ab Rahman, Sim Ru Min
Original scientific paper

Acute Mescaline Intoxication Followed by Catatonia (page 287-292)

Din Duraković, Ante Silić, Vjekoslav Peitl, Darko Vlahović, Daniela Vojnović, Dalibor Karlović
Book review

The Tempest: a Reflection in Pandemic Loneliness (page 293-296)

Nicholas Tze Ping Pang
Professional paper

Daridorexant (page 297-298)

Vjekoslav Peitl, Darko Vlahović
Short communication, Note

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